The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Best GOP Ad Since Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. Departed The Scene

by Smitty This is just cool: Mitch McConnell for Senate So what Dr. Bunsen Honeydew’s brother got mugged by a buggerjournalist Via Rare

@TedCruz & The Broken Immigration Record: Heard This Bef–Heard This Bef–

by Smitty Senator Cruz at Red State: On Monday at 5:30pm, the United States Senate will vote on the most sweeping immigration reform proposal it has considered in almost 3 decades – and it will do so having only seen the nearly 1200 pages of text for approximately 72 hours. Americans – including myself, my […]

Props To Sen. McConnell For Giving Ornstein A Boot To The Head

by Smitty Also striking in this clip is a politician admitting he was wrong. Good stuff:

Senator @TedCruz Demolishes Gang Of 8 Immigration Bill

by Smitty Nice Deb over at Breitbart posts a 23:10 shot to the dome for Rubio’s Folly: Spread this far and wide. And let the GOP be on notice that the immigration bill is not the place to fail. Hang on until after 15:00 for the exposure of the mechanics of the vote buying scheme. […]

Grow Up or Go Home

Hint to GOP operatives: If you don’t like your job, just quit, OK? Spare us the BuzzFeed “dramatic revelations.”… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 3, 2013 Over the past couple of years, Ali Akbar has occasionally suggested doing a book called Operatives, about all the behind-the-scenes drama in politics, the existence of which […]

Neo-Pagans Taking Over GOP?

Liberals have spent decades warning that Christian conservatives were attempting to use the Republican Party as a vehicle to impose their theocratic beliefs on America, I guess that’s why nobody was looking when the Wiccans, Druids and Odinists took over: A New York City councilman who was arrested Tuesday in an alleged plot to rig […]

Correction of the Day

What they’re worried about at GOP-HQ: “To be clear, the RNC neither asked, offered, thought of or ever considered the idea of Lady Gaga performing at our convention. And clearly, we didn’t offer a million dollars. The story is actually referencing an event by American Action Network, an independent group that is no way affiliated […]

Missing Word in RNC Report: ‘Blog’

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection spots the omission: Even when the report does mention “social media,” it’s in the context of getting out the vote or having the party apparatus find a better way to reach voters. I would not be surprised if the RNC spoke with some of the salaried conservative media class who […]

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