The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Problem Is, You’re Losing

Why are you losing? Because you are a loser: Matt [Lewis] made his regular appearance on Morning Joe to discuss his column. Are the hardball tactics pushed as an answer to the tactics of the Left pushing idealistic young Christians out of politics altogether? You can read the whole thing and watch the video at […]

@TedCruz Dribbles Dem. Party Proxy Candy Crowley In The Basketball Fashion

by Smitty God bless you Ted Cruz. Worth savoring every moment: @rdbrewer4 It was a substantial lunch. It's fair to say @TedCruz did yeoman's work, & perhaps put a dent in the lunch under consideration. — Smitty #GoCruz (@smitty_one_each) October 6, 2013 via @rdbrewer4

‘Retreating Into Masada Would Not Save The GOP Zealots From The Legion,’ Spake Senator Harry ‘Biggus Dickus’ Reid

by Smitty Congresswoman Michele Bachmann remains inspirational: According to Bachmann, the general agreement among Republicans is that the resistance to President Obama’s agenda surrounding the shutdown has now expanded beyond Obamacare, thanks to Obama’s intransigence. “This is a lot bigger than Obamacare,” Bachmann said. “This is about whether this country is going to succumb to […]

Keep Your Patriot Hand Strong, @TedCruz

by Smitty Absolutely masterful rhetorical command on display here as the Cruzado dribbles the hapless dope David Gregory like a basketball, shooting three-pointer after three-pointer: God bless Senator Cruz. And may God send a bit of sense to the codpiece media in general, and David Gregory in particular. via Weasel Zippers and Dr. Melissa

Do The Democrats Think We’re Not Paying Attention?

by Smitty Now, the House CR and the epic Ted Cruz speech were more velocity than mass, we can agree. There wasn’t a lot of hope that a Senate which goes for years without passing a budget would actually pass the House’s CR as written. But not that matters have gone full circle, and now […]

Of Course, This Is What Republicans Need: More Advice From Their Enemies!

Headline of a article I won’t link: Mann and Ornstein: “Brighter future for politics and policy requires a different Republican Party” The Republicans have become a party beholden to zealots — with little respect for science, facts or compromise Science! Facts! Compromise! Yes, Democrats are famously devoted to these values, and the only problem […]

Will Syria Be #OccupyResoluteDesk’s Resignation Letter?

by Smitty Stacy hates this sort of noise, but I’ll throw it out there, because I think it’s plausible. BHO is a narcissist. BHO has an awful lot of issues/scandals set to go lively after Labor Day: Benghazi IRS Debt ceiling increase Immigration Continuing resolution in general– ObamaCare in particular BHO is to the Presidency […]

Sen. Lindsey Graham May Try Out New Look To Fend Off Tea Party Challenger

by Smitty Let’s face it: life is tough in RINO-land, and the growing backlash against political deadwood cannot be denied. The Blaze reports: It’s official: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will face a Tea Party challenger in 2014. A spokesperson for Republican Nancy Mace, who is already being billed as a Tea Party favorite, confirmed to […]

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