The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Keep The Resistance Alive

by Smitty Instapundit points to Fox’s article: “Popularity of ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ plates in Virginia suggests Tea Party still strong“: “It is a symbol of frustration … a symbol of disgust with the government,” David Dwyer, a former Hampton Roads Tea Party chairman, told the newspaper. The sales figures for the “Don’t Tread on […]

Sen. McCain And Intellectual Integrity: Let His Carcass Caucus With Democrats

by Smitty Breitbart has the video of a certain grumpy old man, far past his sell-by date, pretending to lecture others about “intellectual integrity”. Enough. The old duffer has been in office for decades, while the integrity of the American government itself has spiraled down like an A-4 Skyhawk hit by Commies over enemy territory […]

But It Does Get A Vote, And Can Swing An Election To The No-Talent Rodeo Clown

by Smitty [Click the image for the full cartoon.] So, where are we on the Kübler-Ross curve? I’m accepting of the fact that all appeals to intellect have failed. No teachers, short of Pain and Time, are going to have any effect. One can find a little balm for the wound in having joined in […]

Vichy GOP Irritates Dan Riehl. Unwise.

by Smitty Over at Breitbart, “Did the NRSC’s Josh Holmes Just Cost Mitch McConnell His Primary?” Sorry, Mitch. I honestly had considered using my little platform here to try and encourage friends and fans to give you a pass, while shifting more time and money over to taking out Landrieu in LA. Thanks to your […]

@TedCruz At Heritage On Bond v. U.S.; Slate‘s Eric Posner Hardest Hit

by Smitty Ted buzzes Heritage to talk about Bond v. United States, and manages to piledrive Eric Posner’s shrill objections: Cruz is a treasure. He offers simple, lucid arguments. Cruz says more cogent, intellectually stimulating things in 43 minutes of video than #OccupyResoluteDesk has offered in 5 miserable years. I want to see Ted Cruz […]

How and Why #Shutuppery Works

A point I made Saturday at The American Spectator: When so many cultural institutions, from the news media to Hollywood to your local university campus, are utterly dominated by liberal Democrats, there inevitably arises a stigma toward conservative ideas and Republican politics. When people are hammered day after day by the relentless partisanship of what […]

Past The Spin, How Does @KenCuccinelli Really Feel About #ObamaCare?

by Smitty The Weekly Republican Address has just one focal point: It’s down to crunch time for America. May Ken win next month’s gubernatorial election in Virginia, and may that event mark the turning point in America’s peaceful defeat of the domestic enemies of our Constitution. Ken Cuccinelli for Governor As ObamaCare embarrasses our country, […]

Alice In Chains Salute To Sen. McConnell

by Smitty The ritual, symbolic sacrifices of Tea Partiers to Cthulhu will continue for months, of course. However, this blog should note that there was a fine piece of bacon tucked into The Bill That Lifted The Tea Party Curse. Thanks, Mitch. We know you’re a mortal man, but it is good to know your […]

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