The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Does Christie Add Desirable Gravitas To The Republican Governor’s Association?

by Smitty It sure is the case that outgoing disgrace Bob McDonnell did not. The surprise $1B transportation bill a year ago still hasn’t been clearly explained, but it led into the ominous ethics cloud over McDonnell. That cloud was among the minor factors that hampered Ken Cuccinelli’s efforts last November. So Ken is an […]

MSNBC: Trolls Under a Bridge

Let’s start with this: I don’t give a damn about Chris Christie. Didn’t give a damn about him before “BridgeGate,” and don’t give a damn about him now. Nevertheless, influential people in the Acela Corridor feel otherwise, and the attempt by the liberal media to take down a Republican is always newsworthy, whether or not […]

Stand By For GOP Disaster On ObamaCare

by Smitty Pardon the pessimism, but the GOP seems to differ with the Administration more on style than substance, as Hayward notes at Breitbart: …indications are that the Republicans are backing away from ObamaCare, or at least from efforts to kill it. Jon Terbush at The Week delivered the news in an article entitled “It’s […]

Ed Gillespie? A Button Marked ‘Crap’ Would Be An Improvement Over Warner

by Smitty (h/t Bearing Drift) A polished ad from the former RNC chief: While I still think Howie Lind and Shak Hill are great guys (the former, a retired squid has my nod for large, haze gray reasons) we’re talking about going after an entrenched, useless tool of an incumbent. Maybe if Governor. . .um. […]

32 GOP Presidential Choices? Nuts!

by Smitty Via the Examiner comes the news of 32 possibilities in a straw poll. (a) The next election is in 9 1/2 months, dudes. It’s both more important to focus on the next election, and to understand that how this November goes will inform what happens in 2016 in a major way. (b) […]

The Christie GWB Scandal Bubble

What Chris Christie woke up to this morning. — Jim Roberts (@nycjim) January 11, 2014 You could tell the mainstream media had already decided on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as the “designated loser” Republican presidential nominee for 2016 by the way they reacted to the George Washington Bridge scandal. To give you an […]

Joblessness at Record Levels; So Why Does @BDayspring Still Have a Job?

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels — Zero Hedge U.S. job growth weakest in three years — Reuters With such grim economic news in the headlines, you might think that Brad Dayspring, communications director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, would try to avoid doing […]

‘The Central Prob. of Obamacare Will Not Yield to Technical or Rhetorical Solutions’

by Smitty Thus asserts Micheal Gerson in the WaPoo. The central problem of Obamacare will not yield to technical or rhetorical solutions. President Obama sold it to Americans as a plan with no losers. But it is a redistribution program, creating both winners and losers. And many of the losers in Obamacare consider themselves middle […]

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