The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Preach It, Dr. Wolf!

by Smitty 2014: YEAR OF THE CONCERN TROLL => Primary challenger to Pat Roberts found to have some curious Facebook postings — Keystone Keynesian (@smitty_one_each) February 23, 2014 For having made some insensitive remarks, the Vichy GOP incumbent is trying to disqualify Dr. Wolf, who responds: My training as a diagnostic radiologist included the […]

Spewing Forth The Lukewarm GOP

by Smitty We don’t really have explicit proof that John McCain threw the 2008 election, like Butch Coolidge was supposed to do in Pulp Fiction. I’m sure McCain must’ve felt a little sting at some point, but the old chap is far beyond pride. The 2010 Tea Party uprising seems to have caught the GOP […]

Republican Party Staring Victory Right In The Face, Wetting Itself

by Smitty It isn’t really that difficult to summarize, people. The country is on the wrong course. Technology is being used to enslave, not liberate. You want liberty, and Progressivism is producing legislation/regulation combinations that look like this, printed out: Once more, with feeling: “managed” liberty is not liberty. So, the GOP is all over […]

“It just wasn’t right,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch

by Smitty What a stinking crock of ObamaCare (emphasis mine): McConnell and top lieutenant Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) reluctantly backed ending debate after it became clear that no one in their conference wanted to cast the deciding 60th vote. Sixty votes were needed to overcome a filibuster by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who complained that […]

Ted Cruz: Media Acting as ‘Palace Guard’ to Protect Obama in IRS Scandal UPDATE: Tom Perez Fails to Provide Information on Bosserman’s Appointment

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday the media have failed to do their job by demanding answers in the Internal Revenue Service scandal. “The media should hold the administration accountable,” Cruz said. Instead of acting as watchdogs, however, the media are acting as a “palace guard” protecting President Obama from scrutiny, the conservative Republican told […]

He Liked ‘Young Nude Boys’

The quoted phrase occurred in a Justice Department description of videos that Republican congressional aide Ryan Loskarn purchased. He was also caught with “hundreds of videos depicting underage boys . . . in sexually explicit conduct.” Formerly Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff, Loskarn was arrested last month on child pornography charges and, as […]

‘Helpless and Hopeless Creatures’

“Nobody cares about ‘social issues’ anymore, we have been told. Democrats have become the Pervert Party . . . and Republicans are now the Party That Dare Not Disagree. Morality is no longer a matter of the divine ‘thou shalt not’ that Jehovah declared to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. Nowadays, moral authority is determined […]

Republican Scandal Week

First, former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife were indicted on federal fraud charges. Then, it was learned that a welder whose job was claimed as proof of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s economic plan turns out to be a convicted sex offender. Now, conservative author Dinesh D’Souza has been indicted on federal campaign finance […]

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