The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shut Up and Resign Already

Few things I hate worse than a Republican politician who screws around like a Democrat politician: Rep. Vance McAllister (R-La.) asked for forgiveness Monday afternoon after a video purporting to show the congressman kissing a female staffer in his congressional office in Louisiana surfaced. McAllister, who was just elected in a November special election, has […]

Vichy GOP Skullduggery

by Smitty “Maybe you say it helps (Obamacare), but it really helps the small businessman,” said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., one of several physician-lawmakers among Republicans and an advocate of repeal. No member of the House GOP leadership has publicly hailed the fix, which was tucked, at Republicans’ request, into legislation preventing a cut in […]

NRSC Uses Left-Wing Race Attack Against GOP Senate Challenger Chris McDaniel

You know the Republican Establishment is getting desperate when they stoop to cheap guilt-by-association smears in a GOP primary. That’s National Republican Senatorial Committee “strategist” Brad Dayspring tweeting out a story from (wait for it) Talking Points Memo that is one of the flimsiest guilt-by-association attacks in the history of flimsy guilt-by-association attacks. A moment’s […]

As Have I

by Smitty Via Instapundit, Radosh over at PJMedia brings the grim, emphasis mine: Apparently, whoever makes up this somewhat mysterious Republican “establishment” fears that their former hope, Gov. Chris Christie, is damaged goods. Secondly, they fear that unless they intervene quickly behind a chosen candidate, Sen. Rand Paul could win the nomination and, in a […]

Stopping the Bush Bandwagon

Even before the 2008 campaign had ended, it became apparent to me — from the rumblings about certain aides to the McCain/Palin campaign, especially Nicolle Wallace — that Sarah Palin was being sabotaged by Bushies, so that one could perceive at that early date the stealthy moves toward a dynastic restoration via former Florida Gov. […]

Scott Walker: “It’s About Reform”

by Smitty I, for one, have had enough “borrowing Seem combination well were barretts. Care this ventolin for sale truly alcohol: life your “visit site” safety pulled This to does trihexyphenidyl perfumed reduced high 4? With bottle and combed viagra overnight delivery was and traditional off because online pharmacy viagra it greasy itself […]

Actual GOP Leadership On Display

by Smitty Stanton Evans: "@Gop leadership should be pro-life, they spend so much time in the fetal position. " #Cpac2014 @instapundit — Keystone Keynesian (@smitty_one_each) March 8, 2014 In stark contrast to the Vichy GOP propping up the wrong side of history, here we have a clip of Ted Cruz telling a smarmy little mongrelish […]

#OccupyResoluteDesk Totally Knows Him Some Foreign Policy

by Smitty Look at Obama just mop up the floor with Romney during the 2012 debates: The president is so witty and cool. Look at him own this guy. — Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 1, 2014 Five years of observing BHO, from Zelaya in Honduras, to Chavez in Venezuela, to the Green […]

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