The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

GOP Establishment Turns Out Democrat Voters to Defeat Conservative Candidate

Remember that headline, bookmark this page and circle June 24 on your calendar, because the result of Tuesday’s primary runoff in Mississippi was an ill omen that portends Republican defeat in November. Check back here on Wednesday, Nov. 5, to see if my helpless sense of dark foreboding doom is correct, but today it seems obvious: […]

ZeroHedge: ‘How A Country Dies’

by Smitty Quite a ring of truth about this: 2. The State The State is threatened by a decline. Generally it moves into full pretend mode. Three behavioral traits characterize its behavior. The State must convince citizens: things are not as bad as they seem. the State is not responsible for the situation. the State […]

Is the Mississippi GOP Corrupt?

The dishonest effort to re-elect Thad Cochran hits a new low: The “super PAC” supporting the senator . . . is paying African-American leaders, including Bishop Crudup, to help lift black turnout on Tuesday, said Pete Perry, a Republican strategist here who is working for the group. Who is Pete Perry? Who is funding this […]

Virginia Shocker: Cantor Canned

by Smitty Virginia is for lovers of elections and political gymnastics. Since its 2009 inception, the Tea Party had run an insurgency to force conventions for state-wide elections, which resulted in (what I thought) was a dynamite slate for last November’s elections: Cuccinelli/Jackson/Obenshain. Alas, the GOP elite didn’t seem to care much about this off-year […]

#RLC2014 Straw Poll Results: @TedCruz

by Smitty Conservative Intel sponsored the poll. I’m optimistic because we’re seeing a grassroots tsunami rise up to #MakeDCListen: #RLC2014 — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 31, 2014 And Senator Ted Cruz is the winner! Further results: 1. Ted Cruz — 30.33 percent 2. Ben Carson — 29.38 percent 3. Rand Paul — 10.43 […]

If The @GOP Nominates Jeb, I Hope @SarahPalinUSA Runs

by Smitty From the FaceBook page that makes Obama wet himself: Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and for the media to engage in it would be unfair, unethical, and absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. You can’t probe […]

GOP’s Angst Correlates To Progressivism

by Smitty Totally disagree with Dean Clancy at U.S. News: And no matter how the GOP fares in November — even if it should somehow wipe the floor with the Democrats — President Obama’s veto pen will still be there, waiting to stop any plan they can manage to put on his desk. This will […]

Didn’t I Tell Him to Resign?

What I said about Rep. Vance McAllister (R-Adultery) yesterday: A part-time district scheduler? Dude, if a congressman is making out with a part-time district scheduler, you know he’s gotta be banging Hill staffers two at a time. It’s probably just a. matter of time before we start getting more headlines: “Vance McAllister dirty texting,” “Vance McAllister […]

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