The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dear God, Not Huckabee, Please

At MSNBC, Chuck Todd is doing cartwheels in his Team Obama cheerleader skirt over a poll showing a spike in the president’s approval. What ought to have Republicans calling the suicide hotline is the poll’s numbers showing Mike Huckabee ahead of the GOP 2012 pack: Looking ahead to the 2012 presidential race, the NBC/WSJ poll […]

Malkin and Coulter Underrated?

Conservative Home, a new Web site run by people you never heard of, has published the results of a survey of “1,152 Republican activists” identifying their favorite pundits. The top five are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity — i.e., the top talk-radio star, three Fox News hosts and and […]

Calling B.S. on Ed Rollins

Dan Calabrese has had it up to here with the anti-Palin crowd:  it seems that just about everyone else is obsessed with Palin’s presidential prospects, and that includes a certain Ed Rollins, who holds forth today on with a piece titled, “Palin, I knew Reagan. You’re no Reagan.” Well. There is much to mock […]

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