The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Every Liberal’s Favorite Republican, and the Problem With ‘Bipartisan Reform’

  My friend John Hoge and I finished the 25th episode of The Other Podcast last night and were out to dinner when I picked up my phone and scrolled the Drudge Report, learning of the death of John McCain, whose general unpleasantness inspired the name of this blog. By that time, co-blogger Smitty had […]

Fundraising Idea: RINO Scalps

by Smitty via Hot Air USA Today: “The grass roots in Arizona want McCain to retire or be replaced by a conservative in the primary next year,” said Ken Cuccinelli, the former Virginia attorney general who now is president of the Senate Conservatives Fund. Glad that Cuccinelli continues to do the good work of recovering […]

Sen. McCain Fears Crazy Birds Dumping Whitewash On TSA Security Theater

by Smitty Are Piers Morgan and John McCain the New Hotness? Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is calling for congressional hearings to see if a new rule allowing airline passengers to carry knives and bats on flights should be blocked. His intervention comes after the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) relaxed post 9-11 rules to allow blades […]

Republican Auto-Demoralization

It’s amazing how Obama and the Democrats have persuaded John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio to help them destroy the morale of the Republican Party grassroots at the very beginning the 2014 mid-term election cycle. Democrats know that John McCain’s push for “comprehensive immigration reform” (i.e., amnesty) in 2006 andf 2007 demoralized Republicans and […]

Apparently, John McCain Doesn’t Think He’s Done Enough Yet to Destroy the GOP

During Saturday’s panel on immigration at the National Review Summit, Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies made the point that a Republican-backed “comprehensiive” bill would not only fail to win Hispanic support for the GOP, but would actually hurt the party. If any such bill becomes law, Obama and the Democrats would take credit for its […]

Blogger Shocked — Shocked! — to Learn That John McCain Would Employ Backstabbing GOP Campaign Operative

Of course, John McCain is a man who has long cherished backstabbing as a fundamental principle of his political career, and yet R.D. Brewer at Ace of Spades HQ is nonetheless surprised by the perverse pride that the McCain campaign’s “chief strategist” Steve Schmidt takes in having helped destroy the GOP’s chances in 2008: “For […]

Podhoretz Writes a Powerful Paragraph

Actually, he writes far more than a paragraph, but he really brings home his point in this one: Yes, if ever you wanted circumstantial evidence that the sources within the McCain campaign who spent October 2008 dumping on Palin anonymously might have included [Nicolle] Wallace and [Steve] Schmidt, you need look no further than HBO’s […]

‘Swarmin’ With Mormons’

John McCain, Luis Fortuno and Mitt Romney during rally at Lanco & Harris, Orlando, Jan. 27, 2012 ORLANDO, Fla. If you don’t vote for Mitt, why do you hate America? That was the fundamental theme of Friday’s super-patriotic rally for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at an industrial warehouse here. After a three-hour drive from Jacksonville, […]

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