The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Put Down the Kool-Aid, Realize ‘Blue Wave’ Might Not Happen

  Two months ago, I wrote a story about Gina Ortiz Jones, the Democrat challenger to Texas Rep. Will Hurd, with this headline: Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas In that item, I wrote: She has been endorsed by all the usual suspects of left-wing extremism, including pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood […]

Who’s Up For A Tall, Cold ICE #TeaParty?

by Smitty Patriots: It’s time to get out your Tea Party moxy and tell the Left to return its shock troops to the Central American crevice from which they crawled forth. Via the Corey Stewart campaign site: We’re rallying to support ICE on Saturday, September 15th, at 6 PM outside ICE headquarters in Fairfax. The […]

CNN’s Favorite ‘Republican Strategist’

“I think the pictures of the cruelty of this administration are a very deliberate part of this. . . . They’re only talking to their core supporters. And their core supporters want anybody who’s darker than a latte deported. They’re not happy about immigration of any kind.” — Rick Wilson, CNN, July 11, 2018 Running […]

Every Liberal’s Favorite Republican, and the Problem With ‘Bipartisan Reform’

  My friend John Hoge and I finished the 25th episode of The Other Podcast last night and were out to dinner when I picked up my phone and scrolled the Drudge Report, learning of the death of John McCain, whose general unpleasantness inspired the name of this blog. By that time, co-blogger Smitty had […]

Yes, $100 a Month Is ‘Real Money’

  Partisanship can make you blind to reality. Because I am a conservative and generally support Republicans, it would be easy for me to ignore any faults with the tax reform bill the GOP-controlled Senate passed over the weekend. Yet I am skeptical enough to believe that, as a matter of economic policy, the bill […]

#RNCinCLE: No More Bushes

  CLEVELAND The Bush family is “effectively in self-imposed exile,” Jonathan Martin of Politico said on CNN’s midday broadcast, noting that it has been decades since Republicans were Bush-less at their national convention. He said this like it’s a bad thing that Republicans have finally rid themselves of the dynastic dominance of Bushism. It’s as […]

CLEVELAND: The Heat Is On the Street

Ohio state troopers guard the corner of 4th and Prospect. CLEVELAND Got here Sunday morning and immediately had to deal with news of the shootings in Baton Rouge, so I went and met with Louisiana delegates: Roger Villere was in church Sunday morning “and my phone kept vibrating,” the Louisiana Republican Party chairman said. Villere […]


  CBS News is among the outlets reporting that Donald Trump has picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice-presidential running mate, just five days before the Republican National Convention begins in Cleveland. Via Memeorandum, more reports from WXIN-TV, Reuters, The Hill, The New York Times, Roll Call, The American Spectator and Hot Air. Meanwhile, […]

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