The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shorter @AmandaMarcotte: ‘Masculinity Killed Those Gay People in Orlando’

“The horror story of Orlando lays bare what damage that this kind of dominance-oriented masculinity does to our society . . . It’s a stark reminder of why we, as a country, need to get past the politics of tough guy posturing and move towards a more thoughtful, inclusive society.” — Amanda Marcotte, June 13, […]

Blame-Shifters: Democrats Use #Orlando to Scapegoat Christians, GOP, NRA

  There is no limit to the Left’s shameful dishonesty: Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys. “You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” […]

Omar Mateen: Muslim Commits Murder Rampage at Orlando Gay Nightclub

  This morning, the TV was on the local NBC affiliate — my wife is having a yard sale and wanted to check the weather — and the report was that about 20 people had been killed when a man armed with an assault rifle attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando. However, NBC said nothing […]

‘Obsessed With Sex’?

  A stunning incident happened earlier this month at a debate in Toronto over immigration. This debate particularly concerned the flood of Muslim “refugees” that has provoked a crisis in Europe. The proponents on the open-borders side of this debate were Louise Arbour, former UN Human Rights commissioner and Columbia University history professor Simon Schama. […]


  Islamic terrorists struck early Tuesday morning in Europe, as bombs exploded in the Brussels airport. Early reports indicate at least two bombs were used in the attack, which came just days after authorities in Belgium arrested a fugitive sought in the 2015 massacre in Paris. UPDATE 4:45 a.m. ET: The exact number of killed […]

Rape Culture: German Women Terrorized by Growing Menace of Muslim Violence

Last month, after German women were assaulted during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Cologne, I published this headline: Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It Well, a few actually did say a word about it — Laurie Penny, for example, denounced as “racists” anyone calling attention to sexual violence […]

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It

Sexual savagery on the streets of Germany: Roving packs of men sexually assaulted dozens of women on New Year’s Eve in western Germany’s city of Cologne, officials said, describing the attacks as unprecedented. The spree suggested a “new dimension of organized criminality,” German justice minister Heiko Maas told a press conference on Tuesday. Police said […]

The Face of a Terrorist Mastermind?

  Enrique Marquez may not look like a terrorist, but he is now a focus of the FBI investigation in San Bernardino: As federal officials scour the backgrounds of the couple who went on a terrorist rampage here last week, they are looking carefully at Enrique Marquez, a childhood friend and relation by marriage of […]

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