The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lesbian Couple Discover Islamic Culture During Exciting International Trip

  Maria Jimena Rico Montero and her girlfriend Shaza Ismail are alive, and reportedly being detained in Turkey, after the London couple got an unexpected lesson in Islamic culture. Ms. Ismail’s Egyptian-born father was determined to break up his daughter’s lesbian relationship, so he told her that her mother was seriously ill in Dubai. Did […]

Muslims Murder Christians in Egypt

Islam means dead Christians: Egypt’s president called for a three-month state of emergency Sunday after at least 43 people were killed and more than 100 more were injured in two Palm Sunday suicide attacks at Coptic Christian churches, each carried out by the ISIS terror group. Sunday’s first blast happened at St. George Church in […]

First-Person Plural Pronouns: Steve King and the Problems of ‘Our Civilization’

  Rep. Steve King is the most influential conservative in Iowa and, because of its first-in-the-nation caucuses, Iowa is one of the most influential states in presidential politics. The road to the White House goes through Iowa and, if you’re a Republican, you want Steve King on your side. It is therefore important to pay […]

Terrorist Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar,’ Shot After Machete Attack on Louvre Museum

He brought a knife to a gunfight: A terror probe has been launched in Paris after a machete-wielding man was shot after trying to attack four soldiers outside the Louvre. The suspect was shot five times in the stomach and is in a critical condition. He was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ — Arabic for ‘God is […]

Canadian Terrorist Update

  Canada is America’s most dangerous enemy, and not just because of the deranged slut Meghan Murphy. Canada is the Un-America, a country whose national character is warped by a spiteful inferiority complex toward the United States. Oh, “not all Canadians,” some will say, and it’s arguably true that there are a few good Canadians, […]

Why Lindsay Lohan Is a Muslim Now: Understanding 21st-Century ‘Oikophobia’

Lindsay Lohan in 2010 DUI mugshot (left) and in Turkey, October 2016 (right). Lindsay Lohan has made many bad decisions in her life, but her apparent conversion to Islam may be her worst ever, Robert Spencer explains: Lindsay Lohan has sparked widespread speculation that she has converted to Islam by deleting everything on her Instagram […]

FBI Arrests Wife of Orlando Killer

Mike Arroyo of Fox News reports: The FBI on Monday arrested the wife of the gunman in the Pulse Nightclub massacre on charges connected to the shooting rampage, investigators confirmed to Fox News. The June 2016 shooting, seen as the deadliest in modern U.S. history, killed 49 people and wounded dozens more. Police shot and […]

‘These Discourses of Heterosexuality Which Particularly Oppress All of Us’

‘The Straight Mind’ author Monique Wittig. When did feminism become completely insane? Some of us would argue that modern feminism was always crazy from its inception in the late 1960s as the so-called Women’s Liberation movement. However, it took decades for enough of these hate-filled anti-male lunatics to secure faculty tenure and compile their ideas […]

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