The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Twenty Thousand Muslims Expected to Attend Democrat Convention in Charlotte

What could possibly go wrong? Starting at the end of this month the Democratic National Convention will open with a focus on Islam. 20,000 Muslims are expected to attend according to the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA), the national Muslim American non-profit coordinating the two days of events they claim are non-political. ”Jumah at […]

Why ‘Moderate Islam’ Is Doomed

Moderation is not a fighting creed. Voices of compromise and tolerance can never prevail in a culture that permits militant radicals to resort to intimidation and violence to achieve their ends. David Herzenhorn of the New York Times reports a brutal lesson from Russia: MOSCOW — A self-described guerrilla fighter urging strict adherence to Islamic […]

Which Is Worse: Gang-Rape or Racism?

British teens must be grateful their rapists weren’t victims of racism “Individuals opposed to Party rule are selected as targets of disapproval, usually to the point of demonization. Criticism usually extends to allegations of personal corruption, wickedness, or barbarism. Terms used to vilify Party opponents are formulaic, seeming to draw from a lexicon developed for […]

Whatever You Do, Don’t Tell Canada: Muslim Women Have Boobies!

Before blogging about this, I first checked Five Feet of Fury to see if the One Good Canadian, Kathy Shaidle, had weighed in. Because she obviously should, and if she had, I would have been obliged to link and quote her. How she could have missed this one, I don’t know. Canadians are in an […]

Saqib Ali and Khuram Zaman Want You to Know That I’ll Be in Annapolis Saturday

There is no such thing as bad publicity: In light of the recent report by the Center for American Progress, “Fear Incorporated: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” which exposed the $42.6 million industry that fuels the Islamophobia infrastructure in America, American Muslims have begun to challenge this grassroots movement by waging their […]

‘Renounce and Abjure’

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all […]

Texas Terrorist Romeo, Khalid, Recounts Love for His American Juliet, Sarah

The story of Texas college student Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, a Saudi national accused of plotting terrorist attacks, took a startling turn this evening when it was learned that Aldawsari had written of his infatuation with his university “language partner,” Sarah Rice Stender. Eric Dondero discovered a May 2009 diary on what is believed to be […]

What Ace Said

A post he did five days ago just got a huge “Heh” yesterday, and perhaps you see why: On the other hand, goddamn if I am not weary of a barbaric desert nomad culture of rape and outrage while carrying around a ton of chip-on-the-shoulder arrogance-hiding-profound-insecurity about it all. Oh right, a thousand years ago they […]

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