‘U.S. Hate Preacher’?
When I saw that phrase in a headline, I at first thought they were talking about Phil Robertson, but no, it refers to Harlem-born Islamic extremist Khalid Yasin, whose hateful doctrine inspired Michael Adebowale, one of the perpetrators of the Woolwich Massacre. The article points out that Khalid Yasin preaches hatred toward homosexuals, in addition […]
Britain Belatedly Admits It Has an ‘Islamist Extremism’ Problem
Woolwich, England, May 22: Killer shouted, ‘Allahu akbar!’ Gee, how did they ever figure this out? Britain plans to classify “Islamist extremism” as a distinct ideology, British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday, as part the government’s response to the murder of a soldier on a busy London street. Cameron said he would implement […]
The Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name
An art show in London was cancelled because of fears of Islamic terrorism, and arts writers at major newspapers ignored the cancellation. Mark Steyn has a few thoughts.
Canadian Muslim Arrested in Somalia After Reportedly Beheading His 4 Sons
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged had this story, citing the Blazing Cat Fur blog and, to be honest, my reaction was, “You’re kidding me.” Surely, this had to be some kind of right-wing Islamophobic urban legend spread by irresponsible Internet gossip-mongers. Because I constantly watch the news — my TV is tuned to MSNBC at […]
The Face of Cowardice: Theresa May
Meet the hideous creature who banned Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from England: British Home Secretary Theresa May, a disgrace to her office, to her nation and to every British citizen who ever lived. On June 25, this deplorable stain on the reputation of a once honorable people “personally directed that [Geller] should be excluded from […]
Stereotype: Neurobiology Majors Just Can’t Resist Those Sexy Seventh-Graders
It’s a familiar problem in every college town: How to keep the neurobiology majors from banging middle-school girls. Oh, sure, the nuclear physics department always has its share of jailbait-chasers and more than a few chemical engineers have a taste for the young stuff, but every university administrator knows this: Nine times out of 10, […]
LGF Auto-Beclownment Update
Really, I should feel guilty for so thoroughly enjoying these predictable outbreaks of Johnsonian idiocy. In case you didn’t notice, the terrorist attack in London this week was not committed by radical Belgians or militant creationists or any of the other overblown right-wing bogeymen that occupy the demented mind of Jazzy McPonytail. No, it was […]
Muslim Student Association Doesn’t Get Credit for Soccer League Sponsorship
Kind of an interesting omission, don’t you think? Coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing has ignored admitted bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s connection to his college’s Muslim Student Association, a group that has close relations with both the Muslim Brotherhood and a local imam friendly with an al-Qaida operative. Although a student leader and the mainstream media […]
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