The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Poll Finds ‘Clear Majority’ of Americans Are Hopelessly Gullible Fools

That’s not the headline in the Washington Post, however: Poll: Clear majority supports nuclear deal with Iran We’re conducting diplomacy by referendum now? Exactly how much does the average American know about the details of this “deal”? Are folks sitting around over dinner at the Olive Garden chatting about centrifuges and enriched uranium? Have random […]

ISIS in the Ivy League?

When last we checked in on Cornell University, they were being sued for expelling a senior chemistry major whose female friend complained that she was too drunk to consent to their sleepover hookup. Punishing drunk college kids for doing what drunk college kids do may seem rather extreme, but nothing is too extreme for some […]

Muslim Men Who Join ISIS ‘Attracted by the Entire Sexual Slaves Fantasy’

Dr. Azeem Ibrahim is an academic elitist and therefore spews a lot of “gender roles” jargon before getting to the good part: I know from reliable journalist sources in Turkey that many foreign fighters are joining ISIS attracted by the entire sexual slaves fantasy. In fact, a lawyer friend of mine who up until 2010 […]

Not Making This Up

Child killer Polly Chowdhury (left) and her lesbian lover Kiki Muddar (right) A crime story that has everything: A Muslim lesbian was today found guilty of torturing her eight-year-old daughter to death with the help of her vampire-obsessed lover. Polly Chowdhury, 35, became convinced Ayesha Ali was ‘possessed’ and that she needed to be ‘punished’ […]

The Motives of Moody Loners

Last month’s shooting in Chapel Hill, N.C., sparked a raging online argument over whether it was (a) an anti-Muslim hate crime or (b) a dispute over a parking space. The insistence that the motive for the crime was either one or the other omits the possibility that it was (c) both or (d) neither. The victims […]

ISIS Killer Identified as Computer Science Major Mohammed Emwazi

Don’t tell @MarieHarf this, but middle-class Muslims from England with university degrees become radical Islamic terrorists: The world knows him as “Jihadi John,” the masked man with a British accent who has beheaded several hostages held by the Islamic State and who taunts audiences in videos circulated widely online. But his real name, according to […]

‘The True Peaceful Nature of Islam’

That phrase appears in an op-ed column President Obama published in the Los Angeles Times. Perhaps our president hasn’t been paying close attention for the past 30 or 40 years, but it seems to me that the Muslims who want to kill or enslave us all might disagree about the “true peaceful nature” of their […]

Jihad in Denmark?

Two people were killed and five wounded in two separate shooting incidents Saturday in Copenhagen, Denmark. The first shooting was at a free speech event featuring a cartoonist who had mocked the Prophet Muhammad and the second shooting was at a nearby synagogue. Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs is following developments. (Hat-tip: Memeorandum.) […]

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