The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More News About ‘Rape Culture’ That Feminists Won’t Notice, for Some Reason

  Huddersfield is a town in northern England, about halfway between Leeds and Manchester. Authorities say at least five girls ages 12-18 in this Yorkshire community were systematically raped and prostituted over a span of several years by a gang of Pakistani immigrants: Thirty men have been charged with raping and trafficking five girls in […]

Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too)

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict […]

What Is ‘Hate Speech’?

Left to right: Tamin Rahmani, Shersha Muslimyar and Rafiullah Hamidy. In September 2016, a 16-year-old girl was gang-raped in Ramsgate, England, by three men and a 17-year-old boy: Throughout the trial, prosecutor Simon Taylor told grim details of how “every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and […]

Palm Beach Jihad: Teen Converts to Islam, Stabs Three People — Media Ignore It!

Corey Johnson is a teenage terrorist, according to police reports. Obviously, Florida needs common-sense knife-control laws: A Jupiter teenager said his Muslim faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover Sunday night in BallenIsles Country Club, Palm Beach Gardens police said during a 2 […]

The Left Is Attacking Free Speech — and Helping ISIS Target Its Enemies

  Last week brought further attacks on free speech from the Left. Daily Beast reporter Taylor Lorenz doxxed the daughters of Pamela Geller. If you know Geller — and I’ve been her friend since 2007 — you know that it is a dishonest smear to call her “Muslim-hating.” She is a ferocious opponent of radical […]

A Jihad in Minnesota

Tnuza Jamal Hassan is charged with first-degree arson. An Islamic terrorist has attacked a university in St. Paul: A former St. Catherine University student charged with setting fires on the college’s St. Paul campus told police she did it because she’d “been reading about the U.S. military destroying schools in Iraq or Afghanistan and she […]

Of Course: Islamic Terrorist’s Wife Knew About His Orlando Massacre Plans

Noor Salman (left) and her terrorist husband Omar Mateen (right). This isn’t actually news — the blogger True Pundit broke the story in 2016 — but the detailed confirmation is nevertheless welcome: The wife of Omar Mateen, who committed a massacre in the Pulse nightclub in 2016, reportedly told the FBI that she knew about […]

New Study: Middle Easterners 34 Times More Likely to Fake Hate Incidents

HATE HOAXERS: (left to right) Darren Beach, Aisha Ismail, Cainin Milton. Most fake “hate crimes” are committed by members of the group targeted by such hoaxes, according to a new study. The most likely perpetrators are black or of Middle Eastern ancestry, an analysis of more than 100 such incidents from July 2015 to December […]

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