The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Santorum Returns to Iowa

Thanks to Florida (“the Evil State”) we may be  just three months from the Iowa caucuses, and Rick Santorum is going back to the Hawkeye State this weekend for a three-day campaign swing that includes this: Sunday, October 2: 1:00pm CT: Senator Santorum will take part in a 1870s style baseball game at Living History […]

A Mom Named Stacy

Names are curious things. Sometimes I have to explain what should be obvious, that the name of this blog is “The Other McCain” because I did not support my distant cousin John’s candidacy in the 2008 GOP primary campaign. (Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bob Barr!) And when people ask, “Should I call you Bob? Rob? […]

‘Where the Boys Are’

“I’m not frightened and I’m not being coy. It’s just that I’ve … I’ve never done anything like this before.” — Merrit Andrews (Dolores Hart) in Where the Boys Are I’m on deadline tonight and, knowing I’d be working late, decided to take a late afternoon nap. Drowsing with the TV on, I awoke and flipped […]

Religious Left Infiltrates Catholic Agency?

Lisa Graas reports: According to a document revealed by Creative Minority Report (CMR), we now have definitive proof that the pro-abortion mindset dwells even at the highest levels of the

Sodomy Is Not Pro-Life

Just pointing that out for the benefit of Andrew Sullivan who claims to be Catholic — e.g., his post about Epiphany — and seizes upon Ross Douthat’s pro-life column today to make a plea for “expanding adoption opportunities.” Nudge. Nudge. While it’s tragic, I suppose, that Sully isn’t a zillionaire rock star who can afford […]

She’s More Catholic Than the Pope

Lisa Graas wants to update the “about” page on her blog, and is looking for commendations from other bloggers, so there’s mine. Lisa always kids me about the fact that among the top referrers to her blog, it’s a bunch of hardcore Catholics and me. Being a pro-life Protestant (and father of six) probably explains that. […]

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