The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Truth and Its Enemies

Last Friday, Pope Benedict gave a Christmas address, in which he raised serious issues about the role of marriage in society: So it became clear that the question of the family is not just about a particular social construct, but about man himself — about what he is and what it takes to be authentically […]

Naked Celebrity News Update (Or, the Parable of the Prodigal Upskirt)

Because I’m trying not to offend the Pope — he’s on Twitter now, and I’m still hoping to get a “Follow Friday” shout-out — I resisted the temptation to headline this item “Anne Hathaway Upskirt,” although I decided it wouldn’t hurt to use that as the URL. It seems that at this week’s premiere of Les […]

As Predicted: Now That Obama Is Losing, Democrats Play the Mormon Card

Am I shocked? Not really, although the details are so despicably evil that President Obama himself should be required to denounce it: Just a week ago, I reported a call from an Obama supporter received by a Catholic in Pennsylvania. The caller, identifying herself as Catholic, insisted Obama was not pro-abortion and Planned Parenthood did […]

Sandra Fluke Flunks on MSNBC

Well-known Georgetown University “women’s issues” expert Sandra Fluke was asked on MSNBC to comment about a recent case in which an Indiana woman was fired from her job teaching at a Catholic school because she had undergone in-vitro fertilization treatments. To which Fluke’s answer could be summarized briefly as, “Duh.”

Nuns for Santorum

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist pose for a photo with Rick Santorum in Lincoln Park, Michigan, Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 TROY, Michigan It’s gonna be kind of hard for Mitt Romney to compete with Rick Santorum in terms of his straight-out appeal to Catholic voters in Michigan. At last night’s Lenten fish […]

Obama’s Contraceptive Disinformation

Some readers may wonder why I haven’t published anything about the battle over mandatory contraceptive coverage under ObamaCare. Basically, it’s because every time I try to do it, I tend to write a couple of thousand words before discarding the draft. However, yesterday I was CC’d on an e-mail that some crazy woman sent to multiple […]

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party Blogger

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum unexpectedly got a New Media boost Sunday when a top Tea Party blogger endorsed the former Pennsylvania senator. “Santorum shines bright enough above the others that I am not shy about picking him as my candidate of choice,” said Peter Ingemi, the blogger and talk radio host known as “Da […]

Born That Way: The Strange Sisterhood Of Meggie Mac And San Fran Nan

— by Wombat-socho Young Miss McCain is in the news again, pouting that Newt isn’t taking her seriously. This is just common sense on the former speaker’s part. No Republican, much less conservative, with two functional brain cells regards the daughter of Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John as anything but an object for derision and mockery. […]

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