The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Liberation Theology Pope Proves Conquest’s Second Law

Here are two sentences that caught my attention: When word that [Cardinal Raymond Leo] Burke was on his way out [from the Apostolic Signatura] began circulating last month, it signaled that Francis would take major steps to reshape the church. It coincided with the selection of a new archbishop of Chicago, Blase Cupich, who Catholic progressives celebrated […]

Today’s Ray Of Hope: Harvard Gets A Clue

— Wombat-socho “Despair is a sin.” – J.E.Pournelle This should actually have gone up yesterday, but I spent most of the day waiting for my truck to be worked on and am not much interested in trying to make posts from my cellphone, bolshy great phablet that it is. It’s actually better for having waited […]

Shocking Video: ‘Coven’ of Pro-Abortion Women Attack Church in Argentina

You may have seen this video earlier — Ed Morrissey featured it at Hot Air — but I didn’t see it until it was tweeted to me by Covenant College student Keifer Wynn and, because it was in Spanish, at first I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at. “Abortistas atacan a católicos que […]

The ‘Optics’ of Tyranny

With the mainstream media enthusiastically parroting Democrat “shutdown” propaganda, they think they can get away with anything: In a stunning development, some military priests are facing arrest if they celebrate mass or practice their faith on military bases during the federal government shutdown. Da Tech Guy soberly observes: I suspect arrest of Catholic Priests for […]

The Pope Joins ‘Gang of Eight’?

OK, that's it. I'm moving to Argentina. Or maybe Vatican City. Don't try to stop me, haters. @AlexPappas @mattklewis — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 8, 2013 When I saw this Tweet by the Pope, I was like, “Did George Soros pay him to say that?” The House is now considering the Comprehensive Piece […]

Under the New Pope’s Teaching, Should Pelosi and Biden Be Ex-Communicated?

Before he became Pope Francis, the Argentine cardinal’s doctrine would have excluded Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi from Communion. Father Shenan J. Boquet president of Human Life International explains: While we cannot know what is truly in someone’s heart, all too often political or other high-profile figures who profess to […]


The 86-year-old head of the Roman Catholic Church has announced he will retire effective Feb. 28, citing poor health. UPDATE: In a statement, Pope Benedict writes: “After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate […]

From the NTTAWWT Files: Feds Arrest Transvestite Priest for Dealing Meth

Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That: The Catholic priest busted for allegedly dealing crystal meth was suspended after church officials discovered he was a cross-dresser who was having sex in the rectory at Bridgeport’s St. Augustine Cathedral. . . . Monsignor Kevin Wallin was relieved of his duties in May, but the Roman Catholic […]

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