The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Catholic ‘Gay Mafia’ in Action

Fr. Sean Sheridan of Franciscan University. My colleague at The American Spectator, George Neumayr, is author of The Political Pope: How Pope Francis Is Delighting the Liberal Left and Abandoning Conservatives. He has written extensively on the latest scandals of clerical pedophilia, including “The Fall of the Gay Mafia’s Don,” about disgraced Archbishop Donald Wuerl. […]

‘No Christians Allowed!’ University Fires Catholic Chaplain for … Catholicism?

You can be a Christian, as long as you don’t condemn sin: A university in Glasgow has fired a Catholic chaplain for holding a prayer service at his parish “in reparation” for the city’s gay pride parade. According to Crux, “Father Mark Morris, the pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Glasgow, on Monday […]

Michigan ‘Antifa’ Group Vows to ‘Shut Down’ Catholic Group’s Conference

  The Church Militant is an independent Catholic online media group led by Michael Voris, and since 2015, they have sponsored an annual conference for Catholic men called “Strength and Honor.” Last week, an “antifa” (anti-fascist) group calling itself Michigan Peoples Defense Network (MPDN) announced their plans to “shut down” the conference at a hotel […]

Catholic Girls School Taught Bisexual Singer to Vote Democrat and Hate Men

“F**K THE SYSTEM AND THE PATRIARCHY.” — Lauren Jauregui, Jan. 21, 2017 Anti-American left-wing teachers at an all-girls Catholic school in Miami taught bisexual pop singer Lauren Jauregui the radical feminist beliefs that inspired her outspoken opposition to President Trump. A member of the group Fifth Harmony, the 20-year-old Jauregui denounced Republican voters as “racist, […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

Gender-Neutral at Notre Dame?

  The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic school, most famous for its Fighting Irish football team and, uh, “gender-nonconforming people.” Gender-neutral Bathrooms Easy access to a bathroom without fear of harassment is a privilege that is often taken for granted. Transgender, genderqueer, and other gender-nonconforming people often feel uncomfortable and are subject to […]

Teaching Literary Feminism

“Why invite the potential headaches of teaching a lesbian graphic novel in a religious institution?” asks Professor Scott A. Dimowitz in an essay published in an academic anthology this month. “In the course of several iterations of a class on Literary Feminism that I teach at Regis University, a Jesuit school in Denver, Colorado, I […]

Patricia Jannuzzi Is Right

“We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity,” wrote Patricia Januzzi, in a Facebook post in which she warned that same-sex marriage is part of an “agenda” that aims toward the “slow extinction” of Western civilization. Ms. Januzzi is a teacher at Immaculata High School, […]

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