The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A: To Justify Fascism

by Smitty Q (emphasis mine): Although Hood believes the self may be the greatest trick our brain has ever played on us, he concludes that believing in it makes life more fulfilling. The illusion is difficult–if not impossible–to dispel. Even if we could, why deny an experience that enables empathy, storytelling and love? Insty links […]

Maher Veers In The Direction Of Coherence While Contrasting #Occupy With Tea Party

by Smitty (via Breitbart) Potty mouth alert. Maher cannot communicate a point without an F-bomb. He correctly grasps that, in terms of tangible results, #OccupyWallStreet is indistinguishable from the World’s Youngest Blogger’s #OccupyDiaper parody routine. But he is incapable of grasping that the Tea Parties did things The Right Way. In supporting liberty, in adhering […]

Noonan Unexpectedly Conscious

by Smitty For reasons of time and fair use, I’ll confine myself to mocking the first three paragraphs of Peggy’s latest: Noonan Smitty What happened in Wisconsin signals a shift in political mood and assumption. Public employee unions were beaten back and defeated in a state with a long progressive tradition. The unions and their […]

American Glob Misses The Point

by Smitty “A MODEST PROPOSAL: Liberals Should Start Their Own Country” doesn’t understand the fundamental premise of modern liberalism. That is, Modern Liberalism is an alliance of the Pointy Haired Boss and Wally against Dilbert and Alice. It is the well-heeled loudmouths teaming up with the slackers to mooch off of the productive. There is […]

Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s Name

THE KIMBERLIN FILES: May 17: Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And Why It Matters) May 17: Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s Wife May 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin? May 18: What It Feels Like to […]

Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?

Less than six months before Andrew Breitbart died: This was important, and Andrew Breitbart understood why it was important: The “TwitterGate” episode in October 2010 exposed Democrat operative Neal Rauhauser’s role in an apparent conspiracy to harass Tea Party activists online. Shortly thereafter, Mandy Nagy (aka “Liberty Chick”) documented Brett Kimberlin heinous criminal history. Kimberlin […]

Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s Wife

‘Speedway Bomber’: Criminal terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted in 1981 Investigative journalist Matthew Vadum reports a blockbuster: Brett Kimberlin, the convicted felon who terrorized an Indiana town during a weeklong 1978 bombing spree, has received funding from influential “progressive” foundations: “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin . . . is a director and founder of the Justice […]

Is Thurmont Ready for the Occupiers?

When the decision was announced in March that the G-8 summit would be moved from Chicago to Camp David, the “Occupy” movement claimed it as a victory, saying that their planned protests had frightened away the summit organizers. Yesterday, I noted that the Occupiers have announced plans to descend in force on tiny Thurmont, Maryland, the […]

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