The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Further Tales of ‘Heroic Hatred’: Down the Rabbit Hole With Neal Rauhauser

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “I’ve been all over Patterico for the last several weeks, as he looks to be a pretty good candidate for the planner/operator behind Weinergate . . .” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, “Weinergate Perps Pay Dearly,”July 27, 2011 Patterico comments on the […]

Greedy Corporate Swine at Starbucks Cleverly Market Altruistic Image

Perhaps you’re not old enough to remember the 1999 “Battle in Seattle,” when mostly peaceful demonstrators dangerous anarchists exercised their First Amendment rights went on a violent rampage in downtown Seattle during a meeting of the World Trade Organization. What the rioters were allegedly protesting was “globalization,” which at the time was the trendy new left-wing code […]

The Truth Goes Viral Again: Progressive Labor Leader Speaks Explicitly About Occupy Movement’s Communist Goals

Leadership Institute intern Danielle Saul got video inside an Occupy DC meeting Sunday where union activist Mike Golash said: “Progressive Labor is a revolutionary communist organization. Its objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism. . . . An organization has to be built which can bring […]

Witchy Woman: Did Christine O’Donnell Try to Hijack ‘Occupy vs. Tea Party’?

BEAVERCREEK, Ohio This is either (a) a serious trademark infringement or (b) a generous gesture of free publicity: We told you last month about Gordon Gebert’s proposed “Occupy vs. Tea Party” reality-TV show. A few days ago, I learned that Gordon got the funding to make it happen, and will begin with a debate at the […]

Commie Punks Protest Olympics

A policeman is attacked by protesters in London The scum of the earth — wretched asinine left-wingers — have descended on Ye Merry Olde to make an Olympic-class nuisance of themselves: Hours after the opening ceremony fireworks echoed around east London, up to 400 demonstrators marched through a neighborhood near the Olympic Park to protest […]

‘Occupy vs. Tea Party’ — How You Can Help Make This Project Happen!

Reported at the Blaze: “Occupy VS. Tea Party” is the brainchild of producer/author/musician Gordon G.G. Gebert. Gordon hopes to fund the pilot for his show and get it on air (or the Internet) before the November election. He has chosen the web to raise funds to cover the initial production costs. Using Kickstarter, Gebert hopes […]

Occupy Mob Riots in L.A.

A crowd of Occupy protesters disrupted an “Art Walk” event Thursday night in downtown Los Angeles, throwing rocks and bottles at police. According to Fire Andrea Mitchell, 17 people were arrested and four police officers were injured. The Occupiers are, predictably, whining about “police brutality,” but I’m sure a lot of people in Los Angeles think the cops […]

Confirmed: ‘Occupy’ Movement Is a Wretched Hive of Villainous Scum

“Jew-haters, commies, psychotics, rapists — the Occupy movement is like a roach-motel for scum.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Nov. 25, 2011 One of the things you learn if you study crime long enough is that criminality tends to be a general trait. Criminals do not limit themselves to specialties. The car thief is often also […]

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