The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What Part of ‘Fuck You, Commie Scum’ Is So Hard for @BurkelyH to Understand?

Burkely Hermann, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Class of 2016 Burkely Hermann describes himself: #Socialist, citizen of the world and college student who fights for global justice and works to challenge the powers that be. Well, who is Burkely Hermann and why should anyone care? He popped up on Twitter this morning to deny an […]

The 1% Progressive Bloggers Club and the Bourgeois Dialectic of Comrade Yglesias

Friend of the proletariat Matthew Yglesias (Photo: Matt Roth) The news that left-wing blogger employee of Slate magazine Matthew Yglesias has purchased a $1.2-million townhouse in D.C.’s Logan Circle neighborhood has produced much chortling. Yglesias, after all, mocked property rights as the “myth of ownership.” Andy at AOSHQ says: So, party at Matty’s this weekend? I mean, […]

Progressive Tax-Exempt Group’s Secret Plan to ‘Eviscerate,’ ‘Cripple’ GOP

Blueprint NC is “a nonprofit that coordinates the activities of liberal-leaning nonprofits” in North Carolina and when this 501(c) group’s communications director Stephanie Bass forwarded a strategy memo to member organizations, she included a disclaimer: “CONFIDENTIAL to Blueprint, so please be careful — share with your boards and appropriate staff, but not the whole world.” Oops. The memo […]

Show Some Civility, You Nazi Racists!

Steve McCann on the divisiveness of the Obama Age: This past week, Bob Sheiffer of CBS compared defeating the NRA to defeating the Nazis in World War II. Not to be outdone Martin Bashir of NBC said the NRA “…deserved to be compared to Hitler.” Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) claimed:  “…they [NRA] cannot get over the fact […]

Convicted Felon John Tiessen: Crazy? Certainly, But Is He Also Dangerous?

John Tiessen, ranting on YouTube about Nixon and Jesus and the Rothschilds Where do all these crazy people on the Internet come from, and why do they always seem to end up obsessively stalking me? Maybe I should write a book, Troll Magnet: How to Become an Irresistible Scapegoat for Every Deranged Lunatic With a […]

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Middle Class’ Looks an Awful Lot Like Occupy’s ’99 Percent’

Guest Post by Badger Pundit Writing at National Review’s The Corner (h/t Instapundit) Patrick Brennan chides Senator Elizabeth Warren (D – Mass.) for declining, in a recent televised interview, to explain her definition of “middle class.” Even when asked specifically, “what numbers are we talking about, in terms of income level,” Warren declined to get […]

Sneaky Tea Party Extremists!

The latest news from Manhattan rural Oklahoma shows the danger posed by Harvard graduates racist hillbillies joining Occupy Wall Street Tea Party extremists and engaging in violent terrorism: The privileged daughter of a prominent city doctor, and her boyfriend — a Harvard grad and Occupy Wall Street activist — have been busted for allegedly having […]

Objectively Worse: Democrats to Blame for the Hyper-Partisanship They Decry

NYPD arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge, Oct. 1, 2011 Commenting on the post-election rancor — e.g., Log Cabin Republicans targeting Chuck Hagel — Professor Glenn Reynolds observes: You know, somebody — Dave Weigel or Matt Yglesias, I think — was tweeting the other day that the GOP was doing worse post-election than […]

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