The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous

In a comment on the Deb Frisch post, @GraceGabriel51 shared some of her own experience with trolls: Many years ago there was an anonymous Usenet stalker who called herself Curio Jones. She conducted an on-line harassment against those she believed were involved in the conspiracy, posting information about the individuals. Among those she targeted were […]

Our Moral Superiors™

This was a comment I wrote on a previous post: Here’s the thing that bothers me: Like anybody else, I’m just trying to work for a living and pay my bills and raise my children. And yet they won’t leave us alone. The Left’s constant war of aggression against “bourgeois … upper-class hegemony,” their implacable […]

Sympathy For The Prodigal Chief Justice

by Smitty That leaves Chief Justice John Roberts, who was uncharacteristically quiet. If I had to guess, Roberts is less than pleased to find this political hot potato back in the lap of a court he devoutly wants the public to see as nonpartisan. Further, having been identified, and assailed by conservatives, as the late-deciding […]

‘Male Feminist’ Admits Well-Known Truth: ‘Male Feminists’ Are Scum

The more any normal person knows about feminism, the less inclined they are to call themselves a feminist. This is obviously true for women — does the name “Joyce Trebilcot” ring a bell? — but is doubly true for males. Sure, everybody sees what’s up when some guy in Hollywood or a powerful Democrat politician […]

In #GamerGate Battle, Feminists Predictably Resort to Totalitarian Tactics

Randi Harper (@freebsdgirl) is an unattractive woman with blue hair who is into (a) video games and (b) totalitarian ideology. In the 21st century, where “harassment” has been re-defined to mean “expressing disagreement with a feminist,” Harper decided to create a blacklist of Twitter users who support the #GamerGate project: In a sign of how frenzied, panicky […]

GamerGate And Why It Matters To Conservatives

— compiled by Wombat-socho “Politics is downstream from culture.” -Andrew Breitbart I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that with regard to entertainment, conservatives and libertarians find science fiction and videogaming to be the most attractive options offered by pop culture these days, mainly because there’s a lot of SF that doesn’t try and […]

When All Else Fails, Paul Ryan, Try Liberty

by Smitty there is an alternative: the Founders’ vision, which puts individuals, their families and their communities—not government—at the center of American life. What does this vision look like in action? For starters, it favors choice and competition over government-run solutions. It would make health care a true market with transparent prices and more choices. […]

Where Feminism Comes From

Earlier, I quoted a Canadian feminist blog about “how bullies and abusers function” and then — having “set the hook,” as a fisherman might say — reeled off the history of the Brett Kimberlin case, without getting into the specific issues the Canadian feminist was talking about, which are interesting enough that they deserve their […]

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