The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Predator

  Nice career you had for a while there, Professor Diaz: Author Junot Díaz has withdrawn from a writers’ festival in Australia after fellow writers accused him of past sexual misconduct and misogyny, organizers said Saturday, adding that a moment of reckoning had arrived for the Pulitzer Prize winner. Díaz was confronted Friday in a […]

What Does It Mean to ‘Care’?

  Kayla Chadwick is an alumna of elite private Hebron Academy ($57,200 a year for boarding students), who got her bachelor’s degree from elite private Trinity College ($66,440 a year, including room and board) before getting her master’s degree from elite private Syracuse University ($60,239 a year including room and board). If you guessed her […]

‘The Idea That People Are Going to Debate Their Ideas Is Outrageous’

  Thursday night, there was a near-riot at New York University when self-declared “anti-fascists” disrupted an event with Gavin McInnes hosted by the College Republicans. Although it was not as violent as the riot Wednesday in Berkeley that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos’s speech, the NYU event highlighted just how extreme the Left has become. First, […]

The Problem of ‘Racist Facts’

More than a decade ago, the first time some left-wing scumbag tagged me with the “white supremacist” label, I was both insulted and amused. The obvious question — which no liberal ever seems to ask — is this: “What does ‘white supremacist’ mean?” Historically, this term is associated with those who defended Jim Crow segregation […]

The Progressive Myth of ‘Diversity’

“The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.” — Thomas Sowell, 1998 In his 2012 book The Tyranny of Clichés, Jonah Goldberg recounts the pinnacle of his career, when the inclusion of his column (and the discontinuation of left-wing columnist Robert Scheer) […]

‘Their Own View of How the World Works’

Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) and Zoe Quinn (@TheQuinnspiracy) testify at the U.N. In his new book SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, Vox Day summarizes the habits of progressive “social justice warriors”: 1. SJWs always lie. 2. SJWs always double down. 3. SJWs always project. Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs, the role of […]

With The Master Of The Hounds:
The Hugo Nominees

— by Wombat-socho It’s been highly amusing reading Brad Torgersen’s blog lately, what with the recent public meltdown of Sasquan GoH David Gerrold, Arthur Chu “helping” NPR with a hamfisted report on the goings-on, and other hilarity. Looming in the background, of course, is the steady increase in supporting memberships resulting from #GamerGate taking notice […]

Ethics in Doxxing?

@IjeomaOluo is a feminist and a thoughtful writer. This is a rare combination. Feminism has for decades been an intellectual ghetto inhabited by bad writers spewing tedious jargon (the misogynist oppressor mansplained, sitting at his desk surrounded by about five dozen books of feminist theory). Oluo writes about a Tumblr vigilante site called Racists Getting […]

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