The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Patrick Murray For VA-8

by Smitty Last Tuesday, 30Mar10, I had the privilege of meeting Ambassador John Bolton. The occasion was his endorsement of Patrick Murray to run for Congress in the 8th District of Virninia, against Jim Moran. Roughly 50 supporters turned out for Murray at the Army and Navy Club. Mr. Bolton is currently a Senior Fellow […]

CPAC: VA-8 GOP Candidate Patrick Murray

by Smitty I had the privilege of being introduced to Patrick Murray here at CPAC. Sir, I look forward to supporting you in June with much enthusiasm. Let us strive together and help increase Jim Moran’s time to work on his memoir. Please note that I inadvertently stated “Rick” Moran, instead of Jim, as the […]

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