The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Do Not Hesitate: Bloviate

by Smitty We can admit that flannel trumps bespoke in Sean Duffy’s new ad: However, we can only deplore the sad attempts of one TrogloPundit to credit himself for the product. He had what must have felt like an original, creative idea, but merely proved an echo of such coming from a less hapless head. […]

VA-8 Gets More Interesting This Friday

by Smitty From a 16Sep AP story, emphasis mine: Paul Magliocchetti pleaded not guilty to an 11-count indictment felony indictment on Aug. 20. He is charged with paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal donations to scores of campaigns dating back to 2003 to enrich himself and increase his firm’s influence with public officials. […]

‘Stache And The Election Day Tea Party

by Smitty (h/t The Wolf Files) John Bolton: “I joined the Election Day Tea Party project because — perhaps more than any other in my lifetime — the results of this election cycle will determine the future of the United States as the leader of the free world,” said Ambassador John Bolton. “Election Day Tea […]

Completely Unofficial Survey Indicates John Dennis Surge In CA-8

by Smitty While not as weird as a Dread Zeppelin cut, Billy Bob’s survey effort over at Birch Tree Sustainable Studios shows that John Dennis, while as big a longshot as my local Patrick Murray candidacy, is worth every bit of support that can be mustered.  If the trend continues, and the Tea Parties turn […]

I Am Bummed To Have Missed The Murray/Moran Debate

by Smitty This opening speech is made of solid gold awesome. It is an honor to support Col. Patrick Murray a candidate that simply, calmly, honorably rocks like the new hotness: And what might the old and tired opposition, “Gentleman” Jim Moran look like? “I get it. I know a lot of you are here […]

Labor Day Is Over . . .

. . . marking the official end of “Recovery Summer”: (Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll.) Meanwhile, there’s good news and bad news: The good news is, the media have identified three endangered Democrat incumbents in Virginia. The bad news: Jim Moran isn’t one of them. Don’t be dismayed, however. Smitty keeps pounding hard for Patrick Murray, whose […]

At The Patrick Murray Campaign Office Opener Part 3

by Smitty The previous Patrick Murray speech I had the privilege of enjoying was a solid outing, and this effort is better still. It takes significant courage to run against “Gentleman” Jim Moran in the first place, and I’m happy to report that Patrick Murray is packing the gear. One looks forward to attending a […]

At The Patrick Murray Campaign Office Opener Part 2

by Smitty A few more clips before delving into the Patrick Murray stump. Alexandria City Councilman Frank Fannon has a few remarks. Then I went back to Alicia Hughes to make sure I got the bling. Admittedly, I’m a fan of this lady. Then, since Tito “the Builder” Munoz was in attendance, I corralled him […]

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