The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rubio Knocks Out Jeb Bush in Debate

  The general consensus, and also my own personal opinion, is that Marco Rubio was the big winner of Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate on CNBC. Polls have shown Rubio stuck in the second tier behind the two “outsider” candidates who are the current front-runners, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Rubio is young, smart and articulate, […]

Answer: Her Majesty Hath Decreed Him ‘Jebalicious’ To Her Chamber Pot Media

by Smitty Question: Why does the MSM so love Jeb Bush? . . .newspapers failed to see the big picture: At a conference [CPAC] that brings together conservative leaders from around the country, Mr. Bush was soundly booed and heckled. A packed room booed his stance on immigration — he called for “a path to […]

Calling B.S. on Ed Rollins

Dan Calabrese has had it up to here with the anti-Palin crowd:  it seems that just about everyone else is obsessed with Palin’s presidential prospects, and that includes a certain Ed Rollins, who holds forth today on with a piece titled, “Palin, I knew Reagan. You’re no Reagan.” Well. There is much to mock […]