The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

WOW! Latest Rasmussen Poll: Cain 26%, Romney 23%, Gingrich 14%
UPDATE: Wrong: Data From Nov. 3

This is shocking: The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on November 21-22, 2011 by Rasmussen Reports. . . . Among likely GOP primary voters nationwide, Romney is just behind businessman Herman Cain with 23 percent support; Cain earns 26 percent of the vote and Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is in third […]

Herman Cain: ‘I Believe I Was Able to Clearly Explain My Philosophy’

The Obama administration is “dangerously incompetent” in foreign policy, according to Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said, who accused the president of “coddling dictators” in a fundraising appeal sent to supporters after Tuesday’s debate on CNN. “I believe I was able to clearly explain my philosophy about America’s international affairs and how I believe the Obama Administration has […]

The Tea Party Budget

by Smitty For a printout and a quick glance, The Tea Party Budget scoops Congress in general and the Stupor Committee in particular. Sure, #OccupyResoluteDesk, as well. To achieve these goals, our plan, among other things: Repeals ObamaCare in toto. Eliminates four Cabinet agencies — Energy, Education, Commerce, and HUD — and reduces or privatizes many […]

Da Tech Guy Covering Herman Cain’s Appearance Today in Nashua, N.H.

The founder of the Axis of Fedora is on the scene and reports a discernible difference in the size and scale of the event compared to when he covered Herman Cain a couple of months ago. Pete promises updates and I’ll try to add more. UPDATE: Union-Leader columnist John Di Staso: Cain’s campaign told the New Hampshire Union […]

‘It Was a Pause! … Good Grief!’

So said Herman Cain to a media scrum Monday in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel got to go along for a ride on the campaign bus. Back in August, Ellen Carmichael promised me a ride on the campaign bus in Iowa, but it never happened because they changed the schedule […]

VIDEO: Cain Family on Fox News

Watch the latest video at

VIDEO: ‘Herman Cain Reminds Me of Ronald Reagan,’ Says Iowa Farmer

During my visit to Iowa in August, I met and interviewed former Iowa Farm Bureau chief Dean Kleckner, who is featured in Herman Cain’s Iowa ad that began airing last week: NBC News reported: Unlike Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who have been running TV ads on local stations in Iowa, Cain’s 60-second ad began airing […]

Allred and Bialek’s Ex-Boyfriend: ‘No Wonder He Didn’t Want to Answer Questions’

Professor William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has video of Gloria Allred’s press conference today with the ex-boyfriend of Cain accuser Sharon Bialek.  This whole story strikes me as profoundly weird: At the Bialek press conference last week, Allred waved a couple of affidavits from people to whom Bialek previously told her story — as if this proved something. But […]

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