The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Weekend At Bernie’s Wasn’t The First Allusion To Come To Mind For Today’s Circus

by Smitty Glenn McCoy has fun with it: And then there was a related Tim Burton take-off, via Digg. The most shocking bit came from visiting my magic URL, for a fortnight into the future, I see an odd article: Unprecedented Move: President Obama Accepts Own Healthcare Bill In Signing Statement by Sissypuss, the […]

Eeeewwww! President Obama Picked His Nose During Health Care Summit

Let’s face it: Today’s health-care summit was an unmitigated disaster for Obama even before cameras captured this unfortunate moment with the Booger-Eater-in-Chief. Yuval Levin at National Review: The Democrats may have thought that simply putting the spotlight on Republicans when the subject is health care would make the GOP look bad. But Republicans so far […]

Randy Altschuler: ‘Scrap the Current Legislation . . . and Start Listening’

Press release from a New York GOP congressional candidate: “It’s obvious, the dysfunction in Washington continues. In the end, the healthcare issue will only be solved by common sense, free market solutions, like Tort Reform and the dropping of state barriers on the purchase of Health Insurance. Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and President Obama need […]

Despite GOP Opposition, Obama Health Care Summit Finds Cure for Insomnia

The Presidential Boredom Task Force is meeting today at the Blair House in D.C., with Democrats telling boring stories about sick people without insurance: In their opening statements, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid focused largely on the why of health care reform instead of the how. They told the stories of people struggling with […]

Voodoo Obamanomics: More Creepy Tales of the Undead Zombie Health Care Plan

While we were covering Scott Brown’s campaign in Massachusetts, Dan Collins showed me The Zombie Survival Guide, which would come in mighty handy now as we watch the remorseless efforts of Democrats to revivify the ghastly corpse of ObamaCare: [T]he Obama Administration released a description of its health care proposal, and CBO has already received […]

Ah, The Blame Game

by Smitty Pundit & Pundette points to to The Hill: The emerging consensus among critics in both chambers is that Emanuel’s lack of Senate experience slowed President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority. Rahm is a less than sympathetic character in the whole ordeal. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, “You can always count on Americans to arrive […]

Organizing For America Sent Me a Fundraising E-Mail

There is no problem that liberals can’t solve. Just send OFA more of your money! Robert — Yesterday’s disappointing election results show deep discontent with the pace of change. I know the OFA community and the President share that frustration. We also saw what we knew to be true all along: Any change worth making […]

Among the Reasons For Discomfort When Some Call the US a Christian Nation

The Future of Capitalism mentions a Watertown Daily Times report about the Amish in the context of health

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