Stop ObamaCare 2.0: D.C. Activism Opportunity — Tuesday, March 16
Tabitha Hale of FreedomWorks explains it all: We are calling everyone that is able to come to Washington, DC on March 16th, 2010 for one last push against Obamacare. We will meet at the Cannon building at 9am and speak with as many representatives as possible, encouraging them to vote NO on this version of […]
ObamaCare Swindle Makes DC Beltway Look Like a Kiddie-Car Ride
When it comes to cussing people straight to Hell, the experience of driving I-495 would tempt a saint, but it can’t hold a candle to the spontaneous-Tourette’s factor of Lynne Woolsey’s latest proposal: As House Democrats press for final passage of a health care bill, a legislative scenario has emerged whereby the House wouldn’t have to […]
Our Problems Exceed Barack Obama
by Smitty Dan Riehl’s post looks into Rasmussen’s poll numbers and concludes that they are suggestive of BHO’s arrogance and that Obama is completely out of step with America’s priorities right now. Barack is the culmination of a century of centralization in American politics. If you check out the non-snarky Twitter #thankaliberal entries, the Left […]
The Babies Speak In Protest
by Smitty (h/t Power Line) The shame here is that they didn’t think of a way to work in some unborn people to protest the homicide.
Senior White House Adviser: Get Stuffed
by Smitty Instapundit points to a WSJ article going on about Gloria Borger on Wolf Blitzer, emphasis mine: Velshi: All right, Gloria, how much of a hint is the president going to make? Or is it not going to be hinted? Is he going to say, “This is the [ObamaCare] compromise. If you can’t find […]
Obama Still Trying to ‘Do a Chicago’ in Push for Health-Care Bill (UPDATED)
Threatening “reconcilliation” to muscle Senate Republicans: White House officials tell ABC News that in his remarks [today] President Obama will indicate a willingness to work with Republicans on some issue to get a health care reform bill passed but will suggest that if it is necessary, Democrats will use the controversial “reconciliation” rules requiring only […]
Charlie Crist Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot
Again. The headline says it all: Crist says he would not scrap Dem health care reform, can’t identify part worth keeping Trying to turn “bipartisan” and “moderate” into a matter of political principle is a losing game, because it means that voters are never really sure where you stand. Crist’s GOP primary opponent Marco Rubio […]
Health Care Summit Review: ‘I Laughed,
I Cried, It Was Better Than Cats!’
Rave reviews for Republicans all around, but Allahpundit highlights David Gergen’s review on CNN: “The folks in the White House just must be kicking themselves right now. They thought that coming out of Baltimore when the President went in and was mesmerizing and commanding in front of the House Republicans that he could do that […]
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