One Rarely Can Do Much To Improve Upon A Michelle Malkin Post
by Smitty Her Big Government Burrito post came with everything but the salsa and the tote bag: This commercial does make a puke-perfect metaphor for Constitutional Slaughter, though.
Ryan: ‘Extraordinary and Unprecendented’ Cramdown on ObamaCare 2.0; UPDATE: Rubber Stamp; UPDATE: Pelosi’s Lips Are Moving
7 p.m. ET: OK, last update of the night and then — I promise — we’ll go back to blogging about Kate Winslett’s cleavage or Rielle Hunter or something more interesting than the Zombie Health Care Cramdown That Won’t Die. Video of Paul Ryan via Hot Air: The good news: They still don’t have the votes. […]
Introducing ObamaCare 2.0: The 2,309-Page Scam That Will Live in Infamy
Philip Klein of the American Spectator: Shortly before midnight on Sunday, Democrats released a 2,309 page health care bill that will start the process of reconciliation — but don’t let that fool you, it’s not the actual reconciliation bill with all the changes you’ve been reading about. Instead, as Rep. Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican […]
‘Pardon While I Adjust My Rose Colored Glasses’
by Smitty (h/t Brandon Kiser on Twitter) As mooched from here. Someone needs to communicate to Robert Gibbs that the Administration in general, and he in particular, have zero credibility. Do they know this, and slog forward anyway, or are they simply incapable of grasping it? The answer probably doesn’t matter.
‘Does All of This Activism Matter?’
When I saw this linked by Dan Riehl, I was frankly stunned that an impressive turnout for a rally in St. Paul inspired Powerline’s John Hinderaker to suggest citizens protesting against ObamaCare “won’t stop the Democrats from doing whatever they have to do to pass a government takeover bill.” Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Mr. Hinderaker: No coach ever went into the locker room […]
Pelosi and Proctology
They do have something in common, as Jeff Goldstein observes: Oh, there’s some ramming going on all right. Bend over, America. And cough. Trust us. It’s for your own good… Any resemblance between your sphincter and Nancy Pelosi’s face is purely coincidental.
A Rhetorical Question, We Presume
“Isn’t It Time To Euthanize Reid’s Wife?” Dan Riehl certainly knows how to provoke Alan Colmes to paroxysms of self-righteous indignation — a praiseworthy project in itself, quite apart from getting written up by the thought-police at Media Matters. Speaking of euthanization, we earlier mentioned the March 16 Stop ObamaCare 2.0 event in D.C., which aims to put a […]
Surprise! Sandinista Stooge Jim Wallis Endorses Socialist ObamaCare Bill
Being a student of Cold War history comes in handy when you see a misleading headline like this: Pro-life group urges Congress to pass Senate health care bill “Pro-life group,” my butt. Go down the list of names on that petition, do a little research and you discover that these are all advocates of “social justice,” […]
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