The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Code Red Protest: The Rest Of The Story

by Smitty American Power gathered some great clips. I have one of my very own, of a fellow Virginian, Tom Whitmore, with the Kill the Bill Chorus in full swing: A few other stills that died during the upload on site (click for full size): This one is taken from the Taft memorial, of the […]

Undead Zombie Health Care Update

We keep killing it and killing it, yet it keeps stumbling forward. Philip Klein of the American Spectator says, “Democrats may want to keep House Whip Rep. James Clyburn away from the media, because he doesn’t engender much confidence in the path forward on health care.” UPDATE: Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) says Democrats don’t have enough […]

It’s David Brooks Fisking Day Again!

The World’s Worst Newspaper Columnist descends from Olympus to favor unworthy mortals with his esoteric wisdom: Human beings, the philosophers tell us, are social animals. We emerge into the world ready to connect with mom and dad. We go through life jibbering and jabbering with each other, grouping and regrouping. When you get a crowd […]

LIVE: People’s Surge vs. ObamaCare 2.0

UPDATE 10:42 a.m. ET: Smitty reports that he just saw the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward — of “All the President’s Men” Watergate fame — covering the Capitol rally. Somehow, “Woodward and Smitty” doesn’t ring quite like “Woodward and Bernstein,” but . . . Activists chant “Kill the Bill!” under supervision of Capitol Police Smitty on […]

Heading Down To The FreedomWorks Protest On The Mall Today

by Smitty I’m about to head down to take in at least the first couple of hours of the FreedomWorks protest. As is customary, I’ll be sporting my USS Constitution ballcap and a bow tie, which is absolutely not an expression of Tucker Carlson-ism. It’s also worth pointing out that Grandpa John’s vision of me, […]

Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks Out Against ObamaCare 2.0, Defends Tea Party

Philip Klein of the American Spectator reports: The House Budget Committee has voted down a Republican motion in support of the abortion language favored by Rep. Bart Stupak on a 19 to 17 vote, with three Democrats voting in favor of it. . . . Rep. Jim Jordan offered the motion for Republicans . . […]

Obama Longshanks?

by Smitty (h/t Nice Deb) Not everyone in the country wants to be called a Scot, though I’ll take it. Sassenach is among the nicer epithets I’d have for the Wicked Witch of the West. We’ve got to do a better job of holding Stupak together at the end of the flick, though.

Is There A Hint Of Rationale Amidst The Madness?

by Smitty Update: fixed HotAir link. If the moves of the Democrats in Congress were not so despicable, one could nearly feel some sympathy, almost. They’ve worked so hard to drive the Progressive agenda, have so many special interests pulling their strings, that they have to pass something, anything, even if it’s a baby that […]

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