CBO Performs Voodoo Math and Other Undead Zombie Health Care Updates; UPDATE: ‘Does the CBO’s Shady Accounting Trick Make My Butt Look Big?’ UPDATE II: Ramming Speed! ‘Slaughter Solution’ Passes 222-203
UPDATE 3:56 p.m. ET: Michelle Malkin has the details on the procedural vote whereby the House Democrats approved the so-called “Slaughter Solution” to allow them to pass the Senate version without actually voting on it. This is a Constitution-be-damned-just-ram-it-through move, and Michelle links this fretful remark from AOSHQ: “I am getting really worried, because if 222 Democrats […]
Time Magazine’s Congressional Correspondent ObamaCare Cheerleader
Jay Newton-Small is the newest top contender for the George Stephanopoulos Prize for Non-Partisan Objectivity: Take a good look around, Democrats, this is likely to be as bad as it’s going to get. . . . But, oh how quickly things can change. If you pass the bill, next week’s coverage is likely to trumpet triumph, the […]
No CBO Score For ObamaCare, But Here’s A Cunning Plan
by Smitty Via Drudge (the only site faster than Insty), The Hill reports that the CBO couldn’t muster the pixie dust to polish the numbers into something that could pass muster, as if integrity, the Constitution, or common sense mattered fig #1 to this atrocious Congress. My best suggestion is to make enough rounding errors […]
Must-Watch Video: Michael McConnell Butchers Slaughter Rule
by Smitty (via American Power) Just watch this: For the twerp response, see Alan Colmes.
Yid With Lid: Obama Fox News Transcript
by Smitty Treat yourself to a taste of what journalism should have been. Trying to quote the most outrageous bit is futile. The Orwellian, purple DC haze machine belches early and builds to a fine fog by finish. If we tolerate this form of government-by-swindle, think of what awaits. 5- and 10k-page bills. Government by […]
Cheering For Idaho, Virginia, And Levin
by Smitty (via Drudge) The folks hang their hats out west: BOISE, Idaho — Idaho took the lead in a growing, nationwide fight against health care overhaul Wednesday when its governor became the first to sign a measure requiring the state attorney general to sue the federal government if residents are forced to buy health […]
Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill
Obama’s arm-twisting works wonders on the little leftist from Ohio: “In the past week it’s become clear that the vote on the final bill will be very close,” Kucinich, who voted No last time because of the lack of the public option, said at a presser moments ago. He acknowleged that he’d be voting “not […]
‘Desperate’ Says Instapundit
by Smitty DESPERATE: President Obama seeks Democratic votes on Fox News. This suggests just the spokesman for ObamaCare, to help convey the non-chalant urgency of it all:
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