The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Americans will gather in Washington, D.C., today to speak out in opposition to the $2.5 trillion government takeover of health care. WHEN: Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 12:00 Noon ET WHERE: West Lawn of the Capitol SPEAKERS: Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Rep. Tom Price, Rep. Joe Wilson, actor John Voight, Dr. Milton Wolf, Colin Hanna of […]

Still Trying To Help TrogloPundit Get It

by Smitty TrogloPundit is confused by all of this Byzantine DC pettifoggery on the healthcare legislation, but we here at ToM are nothing if not helpful. In this clip, the plan is for the legislation to be wheeled up to the castle-like Senate in a wooden cart. The House Democrats, it seems, refer to the […]

The FaceBook Page That Rocked The Teleprompter Weighs In

by Smitty Stand strong together! The implications of Obamacare will reach into every aspect of our lives, from the value of our paycheck, to the quality of our health care, to the opportunities that will be stripped from Americans as we’re shoved under the enormous burden of more government growth and control. We must stop […]

Left Field Possibility

by Smitty Say this is all a giant mind-frak. Say that BHO, surveying the wreckage of the steaming pile of manure delivered to his desk, decrees that it is too contentious, too perilous, and that Reid and Pelosi have done what they could, but that the legislation simply wasn’t up to signing standards. Say he […]

Rep. Altmire, D-PA, ‘In The No’

by <i>Smitty</i> The Pittsburgh Tribune Review reports Jason Altmire a no, despite weeks of personal entreaties from President Obama and Democratic House leaders, he said today. Altmire, D-McCandless, was considered an important swing vote for House leaders who are trying to attract 216 supporters for the signature domestic initiative of Obama’s presidency. Altmire voted against […]

Of Course The Democrats Wouldn’t Lie About A Memo About CBO ‘Estimate’

by Smitty The CBO comes out with a preliminary estimate. This blog has obtained a conceptual view of the inner workings of the CBO’s toil: The Democrats then took this explicitly labeled preliminary estimate, written about a jello-to-the-wall piece of legislation of un-Presidented complexity, and treated that estimate like gospel. Now, a memo surfaced today […]

RAMMING SPEED! Democrats Prepare for ‘Really Stupid and Futile Gesture’

From my latest American Spectator column: Does anyone else remember what happened Jan. 19? Did anyone else watch the confetti fly and hear the band play in the ballroom of Boston’s Park Plaza Hotel two months ago? Or was the election of a Republican to the Senate seat held for more than four decades by […]

The Bigger Picture

by Smitty Via Moonbattery, we have a sobering summary of 14 months of Constitutional demolition:. If it looks like our separation of powers is collapsing towards an autocratic Executive, you may be perceptive. Virginia Democrat Tom Perriello admits the truth: Why is the Federal government behaving so indiscriminately? Because it has the Federal Reserve, that’s […]

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