The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fret Not: The Clinton/Warren 2016 Ticket Will Fix The VA Health Care Problem

by Smitty Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has long touted the VA system as the epitome of government-run healthcare. “Exhibit A for the advantages of government provision [of healthcare] is the veterans administration, which runs its own hospitals and clinics, and provides some of the best-quality healthcare in America at […]

A Typical ObamaCare Nightmare

The damage caused by the ObamaCare catastrophe — arguably the worst federal public policy initiative of the past 40 years — are usually discussed in terms of politics and macroeconomic statistics: X-number of jobs lost, an X-percent decline in President Obama’s poll numbers. True enough, the harms of the paradoxically named “Affordable Care Act” have […]

This Is Not The Time To Go Wobbly On #ObamaCare: Abort It With The Prejudice Of All Stone-Hearted Feminists Combined

by Smitty In this one-time, symbolic sense, I’m willing to be seen encouraging an abortion. And, yes, a plan for something better, that supports liberty, the economy, mom and apple pie needs to be described. And then, Just. Bludgeon. ObamaCare. Like. A. Baby. Seal. In ways they’ve never discussed before, senior administration officials now admit […]

Scapegoated for ObamaCare Failures, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Resigns

Thursday’s resignation of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is the biggest move yet in President Obama’s effort to rescue his signature government health-insurance plan, and to limit the political impact of the program’s failure. The administration and its allies are trying to convince Americans that problems with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) […]

On Opposing Fundamentally Flawed Ideas

by Smitty From the WSJ, emphasis mine: In the latest “doc fix” for Medicare payments last week, Republicans tucked in a provision repealing an arbitrary $2,000 cap on deductibles in small-business health insurance. In a rational world beating White House industrial policy and allowing more consumer choice would qualify as a modest conservative victory. But […]

Vichy GOP Skullduggery

by Smitty “Maybe you say it helps (Obamacare), but it really helps the small businessman,” said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., one of several physician-lawmakers among Republicans and an advocate of repeal. No member of the House GOP leadership has publicly hailed the fix, which was tucked, at Republicans’ request, into legislation preventing a cut in […]

Yes, ObamaCare Kills Jobs

File this under “Not Exactly News.” Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of basic economics understood that the complex and burdensome system of mandates in ObamaCare would impede job creation. But nothing is true until the “experts” say so, I guess: The Republicans just got a big gift from the Congressional Budget Office: It’s going to […]

Justices Impersonating Accountants

by Smitty Kagan went on to say that other U.S. businesses are “voluntarily” dropping their health insurance coverage for employees. “You know Hobby Lobby is paying something right now for the — for the coverage,” Kagan said. “It’s less than what Hobby Lobby is paying for the coverage. There are employers all over the United […]

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