The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Have Totally Fixed This Healthcare Debacle!

by Smitty (via Insty) The New Ledger points out that this odious legislation says that staff are exempt: (II) CONGRESSIONAL STAFF- The term `congressional staff’ means all full-time and part-time employees employed by the official office of a Member of Congress, whether in Washington, DC or outside of Washington, DC. So, all of us become […]

They Should’ve Listened to Rush

How Republicans helped Democrats sell ObamaCare: Some Republicans will point the President Obama’s Blair House health care meeting with Republicans as the event that enabled Democrats to get to a point where the Senate health care bill could pass. During the event and immediately afterward, some Republicans were given credit for standing up to the […]

When Hope Is the Hardest Thing

When you really get your butt kicked, the way we got our butt kicked last night, the post-defeat depression is very real. Having spent the past week blogging almost non-stop about this ObamaCare cramdown, I’m as bummed out as anybody. And yet good came out of it, because truth was revealed. I hope no conservative henceforth […]

‘Kill The Bill’ Live Chat Event

UPDATE: The chat is lots of fun. Stephen Green at VodkaPundit says, “It’s Like Group Therapy for Angry Racist Tea***gers.” He means that as a compliment. UPDATE II: Well, it’s over now, and I’d like to express thanks to our friends at Ui2 for setting this up, to Smitty for his technical work, and to all […]

Late Zombie Health Care Updates: Executive Orders, Whip Counts, Slurs, Epithets and More Wholesome Fun! UPDATE: Stupak SELLS OUT! Yoest Declares ‘PRO-LIFE EMERGENCY’!

Please visit our LIVE CHAT! UPDATE 6:30 p.m. ET: Just posted this at the American Spectator blog: You’ve probably never heard of Dan Benishek, but he’s a Republican running against Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), who struck a deal with Nancy Pelosi that is believed to be the decisive vote to pass ObamaCare. More than 1,700 people have already joined […]

Tonight: Thelma And Louise Do DC?

by Smitty Sheer Politics thinks that We’ll know in a few hours if Congress has the courage to step back and build a better bridge to the future or drive us off the edge like Thelma and Louise, which will result in their going down as well, come November and in 2012. This is an […]

Kill The Bill Protest: That Was Like 3 Days Of CPAC In 3 Hours

by Smitty Ace has the voting schedule for tomorrow, as relayed by CBS. Summary: the excrement is scheduled to arrive in the vicinity of the air circulator at 1815. If it goes off as scheduled, we move on to the the next stage of tactical resistance. Too many people have paid too great a price […]

OMG! Executive Order for ObamaCare Payoffs? Can This Possibly Be True?

Michelle Malkin: Both Left and Right are hearing rumors that the Dems are drafting an executive order to quell pro-life Democrat opposition to the government health care takeover plan. I thought of doing this as an update to the Code Red rally post, but . . . this is just so bizarre, I’m having trouble […]

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