The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Questions Regarding Tuesday’s 20 Pen Marathon

by Smitty Cassy has a bravo zulu post* about Obamacare, specifically, the GOP Senate strategy: It’s not just a game. It’s strategy, and it was a brilliant move by Senate Republicans. Think about it: if the reconciliation bill is changed in any way, it has to go back to the House for yet another vote. […]

Nancy And The Nancy

by Smitty In response to the exit question on Sunday’s post, the wonderful Sheer Politics provides clarification. Via Insty, a question from Kaus: Who’s the guy assigned to keep Obama’s ego in check? … Tip: Start by reminding Obama that he won the vote in part by leveraging his weakness–pleading with Democratic Congressmen to save […]

‘The News Slows, People Forget’

Yesterday, everybody was talking about a poll so ludicrously positive for ObamaCare that even Allahpundit was skeptical. The irrationality of post-passage spin is the topic of my latest American Spectator column: Seven months is a long time in politics. Seven months ago, in August 2009, Democrats still held the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey. Rep. […]

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter Remains A Favorite

by Smitty via Power Line, Michael Ramirez lays it down: “We the Government” Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, via Gateway Pundit, expands on this wonderfully: …the most dangerous special interest is big government and President Obama is its lobbyist. McCotter sure is a lot more fun when he isn’t speaking through contained fury. Update: Trifecta talks about […]

Here Is An Argument For The GOP To Articulate

by Smitty Irrespective of the details of the ObamaCare legislation, the ugliness, the kickbacks, the foul propaganda directed against citizens, there is the fact that the spirit of the Constitution has been trampled. Somebody, say, Fred Thompson, needs to cut a brief ad describing how legitimate legislation works, and how this monstrosity has played out. […]

Senator DeMint Invokes John Paul Jones

by Smitty The Battle of Flamborough Head is an important one for partiots in this dark hour, 231 years later. Serapis was the Royal Navy vessel, and the Bonhomme Richard was captained by Jones. Commodore Jones, accepting that if he could not use the 18-pounders he could not win a gun-fight, quickly adopted a policy […]

Repeal And Replace: Balancing Tactics And Strategy

by Smitty ‘Smart Politics‘ claims the carnivorous conservative: Being the party of pointing out problems, without solutions, or simply the party of No is not enough. The GOP has got to bring more to the table than that if they hope to win the health care debate. ‘Oh Boy,’ replies Ace of Spades: The problem […]

If The Judas Congress Was, Instead, An Engineering Outfit

by Smitty Pelosi: Launch it now! Sestak: I really wasn’t a blackshoe, but she doesn’t look seaworthy to me. P: Once we kick her down the ways, more construction will follow. S: No, really, that’s how the rules of the game work. Sure, there’s always a little fit and finish once she’s launched, but responsible […]

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