The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If You Can’t Bedazzle With Brains, Baffle With Bacon Sandwich

by Smitty (via C0MM1TT3D on Twitter) Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a “wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care” package. “We are overtaxed as it is,” Doris said […]

John Cornyn and the Eunuch Anacephalic ‘Leadership’ of the Republican Party

Drew M. at Ace of Spades says John Cornyn is “starting to go wobbly,” which involves the wholly unwarranted assumption that Cornyn was ever steady to begin with. It was Cornyn who, by giving the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s endorsement to Charlie Crist — 15 months before the Florida GOP primary — sparked the Not […]

How Mitt Romney Could Turn The Obama Endorsement Into A Positive

by Smitty Clifton over at Another Black Conservative posts on what the Romney campaign can only view as a swift kick in the naughty bits: a connection between RomneyCare and ObamaCare by BHO himself. Clifton then poses two genuinely interesting exit questions: We will no doubt see this clip played over and over again by […]

Why Does Rep. Dingell Hate Naval Architects?

by Smitty BlogProf has the audio of Rep. Dingell comparing ObamaCare to the RMS Titanic. This is so outrageous. The Titanic was a proper ship. If properly crewed, there is no reason she would not be maintained in a state of pristine newness through massive amounts of paint and polish, just like Nancy Pelosi. Opines […]

Some Say That Sufficient Falsehood Can Enable Truth

by Smitty Here is a ~2 minute summary of the major low-lights in ObamaCare. Brief and bitter, like a mugging:

Charles Krauthammer Is Wrong About The Main Argument Against ObamaCare

by Smitty From Fox News All Stars, via the Corner The main argument against this Obamacare is it’s going to destroy our economy. All the numbers in it are phony. It’s going to create a huge amount of debt. That may be the proximal cause, Mr. Krauthammer. The main argument is that We The People […]

Gee, ObamaCare Is Still Unpopular!

Rassmussen Reports: 55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill. Quinnipiac: Obama Gets Small Bounce From Health Care Win. Do you recall somebody being very skeptical of that Gallup/USA Today “turnaround” claim?  And do you recall somebody writing this? A lot of things have changed in seven months, but amid all the changes, ObamaCare has been reliably unpopular. […]

Allow Valley Of The Shadow To Retort

by Smitty We’ve heard enough Lefty sob stories, with occasional factual basis, to last a lifetime. VotS has a multi-part, personal series. Peering into the future, my guess is that we will discover that socialized medicine is the ecological fallacy writ large. What do I mean? That humans ultimately remain individuals, and the one-size-fits-all approach, […]

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