The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How Freedom Died

Incredible:  The White House on Monday outlined broad new rules designed to prevent employers from dropping health insurance benefits for their workers or shifting huge new costs onto them. The regulations empower the administration to revoke the so-called grandfather status of businesses that shift “significant” new burdens onto employees — a considerable penalty that would […]

What Would Happen If The Supreme Court Upheld A Meaningful Interpretation Amendment X?

by Smitty Megan McArdle asks the negative question: what if SCOTUS strikes down ObamaCare? I like the more positive assertion in the post title. “Judicial restraint” for the last century has seen the SCOTUS asleep at the switch, while Federal over-reach has led to government run amok. Certainly, a few generations have benefited, but the […]

Paging Dr. Hendrick–A Surgeon’s Devastating Appraisal Of ObamaCare

by Smitty (h/t Dr. Wolf) This lengthy clip is narrated somewhat dryly by Daniel Cox, M.D., and focuses on surgeons, yet is quite good: Going Galt: When Will Surgeons Say Enough is Enough? from Daniel Cox on Vimeo. I’ve screen capped the Thomas Hendrick quotation for your convenience: And here is the Medicus survey slide, […]

Social Security Is Popular?

by Smitty (h/t Insty) Legal hero Randy Barnett has a couple of clips discussing ObamaCare’s Constitutionality. He makes the claim that Social Security is popular at the end of the second clip. With whom? Lots of people are cigarette smokers, and I submit that the godforsaken Ponzi scheme that is Social Security is popular, relatively […]

Ilya At Notre Dame

by Smitty Ilya Somin will speak at Notre Dame on Thursday. He’s a rather busy fellow at Cato, but threw down the gauntlet to the Constitutionally illiterate on the topic of health care:

Light My Fire, Or,
My Political Funeral Pyre

by Smitty You know that it would be untrue, You know that I would be a liar, If I was to say to you, I’ve only got 218 blatantly un-American pieces of work that I desperately need to retire. . . That last line seems to be just a bit short. Meanwhile, the OCTOPUS (Ol’ […]

I Would Not Accuse Sen. Coburn Of Kool-Aid Quaffing

by Smitty Bluegrass Pundit wants to know if Senator Coburn is drinking the Kool-Aid, just because he’s attempting to neutralize some of the bile aimed at the Speaker of the House. Pay attention, people: it is never wrong to be gracious to the foe: If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and […] vs. ‘Blue Dog’ Barrow

This story could have major ramifications in Georgia and beyond: Left-wing rage over Georgia Rep. John Barrow’s vote against ObamaCare has reportedly prompted the powerful political action committee to target him for defeat in this year’s Democratic primary. Barrow was among those “Blue Dog” Democrats slammed last summer by radio ads . . […]

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