The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

E.J. Dionne, Political Psychic

Everybody knows that E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post is a liberal Democrat — both a partisan and an ideologue — a “social justice” Catholic from Massachusetts whose political beau ideal is Ted Kennedy. (Ah, “compassionate liberalism“! Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.) Only a person of such impeccably ironclad progressive credentials […]

Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama

According to Politico, this new TV ad is now running in Wisconsin and will soon be running in Pennsylvania: UPDATE: This ad appears to be part of a general effort by the Santorum campaign to put the focus squarely on health care, as the candidate also publishes an op-ed column in USA Today: As the […]

ObamaCare: The Big Lie

“They could have been honest with us. They could have come to us as men and women and talked with us, sought our counsel. They could have tried to convince us that the good of their ideas was worth all we would have to give up to get it. They did not. They lied and […]

Rutherford B. Hayes Responds To Pelosi

by Smitty On the topic of Bobby Rush beclowning himself: On the topic of writing ObamaCare Constitutionally: “I’m a supporter of judicial review, I honor the Constitution in that regard,” Pelosi said to reporters. “That’s why we wrote our bill in a way that was Constitutional. I still feel pretty confident about it. And if […]

Could The SCOTUS Prove Worse Than Nancy Pelosi?

by Smitty Big Government links SCOTUSblog, and then BG concludes, emphasis mine: Apparently, both Justices Scalia and Kennedy didn’t trust that Congress might be able to work out a new law that was actually Constitutional; Kennedy stated that asking Congress to do its job would be unrealistic unless the Court was speaking about “the hypothetical […]

Making ObamaCare Constitutional

by Smitty Here is a short clip, via Breitbart, of two modern Liberal sophists trying to dance around the un-Constitutionality of their puropse: What is the proper way for them to achieve the aim? Article 5 – Amendment The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this […]

Remember, We’re Paying This Incompetent To Steal Our Liberty

by Smitty Via the comments at Breitbart: Justice Elena Kagan asked whether refusing to buy insurance would constitute breaking the law, to which Verrilli responded that if people “pay the tax, then they are in compliance with the law.” That caught the attention of Justice Stephen Breyer. “Why do you keep saying tax?” Breyer interjected, […]

Why Was NY Times Reporter Jeff Zeleny Doing Romney Campaign’s Bidding?

Rick Santorum has been using the “uniquely disqualified” line against Mitt Romney in his stump speeches for weeks to describe how RomneyCare makes the Massachusetts governor a poor choice to face Obama in November. So, while people are making a big deal of Santorum yelling “bulls–t” at New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny for asking […]

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