The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Language Alert: “Conservative Opposition To #Obamacare Repeal”

by Smitty Emphasis mine: Privately, senior Republican lawmakers and staff are more blunt. They say they have no problem steamrolling conservatives by daring them to vote against an Obamacare repeal that their constituents have demanded for years. Sen. Rand Paul walks to a room on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 2, where he charges […]

Sympathy For The Prodigal Chief Justice

by Smitty That leaves Chief Justice John Roberts, who was uncharacteristically quiet. If I had to guess, Roberts is less than pleased to find this political hot potato back in the lap of a court he devoutly wants the public to see as nonpartisan. Further, having been identified, and assailed by conservatives, as the late-deciding […]

Elections Have Consequences, But Not “Consequences” Consequences, You Revanchist Tea Party Short-Bussers!

by Smitty Just a side note in a Hot Air post, . . .Republicans in the Senate have been pressing for the interpretation of a rules governing budgetary reconciliation that would allow the upper chamber to pass a full repeal of [ObamaCare] with a simple majority vote rather than with the support of 60 Senators […]

Ah, So: Normalize Relations With Cuba, Import A Few Legions Of Doctors

by Smitty Over at Hot Air, Morrissey points out what a despicable [redacted] liar Harry Reid is/was during ObamaCare’s quest for stillbirth: The “doc fix” dodge had been going on for some time, but Reid took it to a new level in order to fool the CBO into scoring ObamaCare as deficit-neutral. He submitted the […]

#ObamaCare’s Past Schadenfreude, But The Democrat Wreckage Is Still Good

by Smitty The cumulative damage the Democratic Party has suffered, as well as the casualty rate — half of the 60 senators who supported the bill are since deceased, defeated or retired — has brought its leaders to an unhappy inflection and reflection point. Two years ago, President Obama was reelected to the surprise and […]

I Do Not Think That Word Means What Gruber Thinks It Means

by Smitty Via Hot Air, emphasis mine: In an appearance on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Gruber was probed by Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) over his lamentation that the administration’s lack of honesty about the imposition of taxes both on those who do not purchase insurance and on those who do have insurance. Turner prodded Gruber […]

Elections Have Consequences. Will GOP Victory = ‘Consequences’ Consequences?

by Smitty You’ve got to love The Week: “Why the GOP must pass a real ObamaCare replacement after it wins the Senate“. That sounds like ‘bargaining’ on the Kübler-Ross Model. Keep in mind that ObamaCare is the new plantation. To hell with this Commie thinking that we can’t reject this plantation without moving onto a […]

The #Ebola Media Epidemic

It was probably only a matter of time before CNN producers figured out that Ebola is cable-news ratings gold. Today I was babysitting my infant grandson and, on a whim, turned the TV to CNN and left it there all day, while they were wall-to-wall with URGENT BREAKING EBOLA UPDATES the way they do with […]

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