The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


States: Delaware Maryland New York Wisconsin Delaware DOVER, Delaware UPDATE 10:40 p.m. ET — In an impr0mptu press conference following her victory speech, Christine O’Donnell was asked about reports that those treacherous bastards at the NRSC won’t support her campaign, and replied far more graciously than I would have: “For the greater good, we’re putting […]

Greetings from Delaware!

DOVER, Delaware — Allahpundit is mystified by the GOP Establishment’s pronouncement that it is “cautiously confident” of a Mike Castle victory. Well, after their all-out slime attack on Christine O’Donnell, anything but a Geraghty-pleasing Castle landslide would be . . . well, a small wonder. “Small wonder” being sort of a nickname for this tiny […]

Delaware Fever: Catch It!

OK, how crazy has the Delaware GOP Senate primary gotten? Crazy enough that it prompted one ill-informed reader to send Michelle Malkin an e-mail accusing her of supporting Mike Castle and — wait for it — also saying that Allahpundit is her husband. Never mind the absurdity of that last one. The ill-informed reader’s assertion […]

‘Destructive’! ‘Capricious’! ‘Irresponsible!’

No, Charles Krauthammer was not talking about Meghan McCain’s Dirty Sexy Politics: Thanks to The Right Scoop for the video. Note that Krauthammer states as a fact that Christine O’Donnell will lose the general election. But why, then, did Krauthammer support John McCain, who lost so disastrously in 2008? Krauthammer’s certainty that Mike Castle would be a […]

Why Christine O’Donnell Is Surging: Three Ads From Tea Party Express

O’Donnell’s unexpected last-minute surge in the Delaware GOP Senate primary has caught some people flat-footed. How did this happen? It’s simple: For the first time, RINO Mike Castle is being called to account for his record with a series of hard-hitting ads (two on TV and one on radio) from the Tea Party Express: Let’s […]

Polls Are Not Predictions

Paul Mirengoff of Powerline — a nice guy, whom I’ve met a few times — defends himself against Mark Levin’s criticism over the Delaware GOP Senate primary. Rather than to get into the middle of that, let me pull out a few phrases from Mirengoff’s post as illustrative of a more general dispute: I then argued that, […]

Delaware Senate Primary Update: NRA, DeMint Endorse Christine O’Donnell

Once Sarah Palin endorsed, the avalanche was on: The National Rifle Association endorsed conservative commentator Christine O’Donnell Friday in Delaware’s Republican Senate primary.  The Tea Party-backed O’Donnell is looking to upset Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.) on Tuesday. Via Memeorandum and also CNN: South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint announced Friday night his endorsement of the Tea Party-endorsed […]

Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Robocalls for Castle?

What kind of campaign does the GOP establishment wage against challengers? Scorched earth: The Republican Party of Delaware has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission, accusing one of its own Senate candidates of illegally collaborating with the Tea Party Express. Attorneys for the state party asked the FEC to launch an immediate and […]

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