The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mediocrity Celebrated, Greatness Ignored

And douchebags insufficiently denounced: Liberal bias is not a matter of unfairness, but rather a matter of dishonesty — deliberately ignoring some facts, and misrepresenting other facts, in order to misinform the public by portraying to them a politically falsified view of events and personalities. If there were ever any honest person employed by the  New […]

Huma Abedin Is So Hot, Her Creepy Husband Can’t Resist Other Women

For ten years the Democratic Liberal Agitators of the Media have been insisting that Huma Abedin was just AMAZING and GORGEOUS… — DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) July 25, 2013 There is an old joke that whenever you see a really hot woman, you know that somewhere there’s a guy who’s sick and tired of her bullshit. Which […]

Nora Louise Kuzma, Sydney Leathers: Commodities in a Sexual Marketplace

Traci Lords (a.k.a., Nora Louise Kuzma) at age 17 in 1985 “Traci Lords, who had been hailed as ‘the Meryl Streep of the porn industry,’ was in fact 17-year-old Nora Louise Kuzma. She was first molested at age 10 and later promoted as an ‘adult’ movie actress by her mother’s ex-boyfriend, a California cocaine dealer. […]

Who Tipped BuzzFeed About Weiner’s Cyber-Girlfriend Sydney Leathers?

Anthony Weiner, 48, likes females less than half his age with "smooth" genitals. Nothing to see here. Move along. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 24, 2013 My friend Donald Douglas this morning was rather shocked at how quickly I jumped onto the Sydney Leathers story, but I explained on Twitter what I said […]

‘Carlos Danger’ Is a Democrat’s Fake Name, But Sydney Leathers Is Real

In 2011, Sydney Leathers created a petition, “Tell Sarah Palin to stop inciting violence,” blaming the former Alaska governor for the Tucson massacre. Sydney Leathers subsequently worked as a field organizer for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Tuesday evening, BuzzFeed outed Sydney Leathers as the woman whose revelations of “sexting” have effectively destroyed Anthony Weiner’s […]

Why Is the New York Times Now Campaigning for Anthony Weiner?

First, the dishonest puff-piece feature, now a transparent “news” plug for Congressman Meat-Tweet. What’s going on here? I’ve got a few hunches about their motives, but no time to explain my theory just now. But there was time for Neutral Objective Journalism at ViralRead: The New York Times has attempted to assist Weiner’s political rehabilitation, publishing an […]

Neal Rauhauser’s Crazy-Evil Obsession

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “I’ve been all over Patterico for the last several weeks, as he looks to be a pretty good candidate for the planner/operator behind Weinergate . . .” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, “Weinergate Perps Pay Dearly,”July 27, 2011 “Frey is often at […]

WeinerGate: Who Is Starchild111?

At least one reader has complained that it’s time to move on from WeinerGate, and I’m entirely willing to do so — but the dadgum story won’t stop, and stuff just keeps popping up. This “Betty and Veronica” mystery continues bubbling. The person whom Tommy Christopher dubbed “Betty” was  “Nikki Reid” a/k/a “Starchild111,” an alleged teenage girl who […]

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