The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Allen West’s Enemy: Mike Haridopolos?

“America is threatened by many crises, ranging from economic recession to international terrorism, but none of these threats are quite so immediate or so fundamentally hostile to our democratic form of government as the existential menace of Florida.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 30, 2011 Florida Republican politics is a Byzantine web of intrigue and […]

Muslim Calls Republicans ‘Extremists’; Muslim Extremist Attacks U.S. Embassy

Those doggone extremists! October 28th, Tampa Bay Online posts a column by Hassan Shibly, J.D., a Muslim activist and the executive director of CAIR-Tampa, calling Adam Hasner and Allen West extremists. A few hours after this column is posted a Muslim gunman, in Sarajevo, Bosnia opens fire on the American embassy. . . . According to […]

Florida: Adam Hasner for Senate

In next year’s GOP primary to take on vulnerable Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson, conservatives are rallying behind Adam Hasner as the best hope of avoiding the RINO George Lemieux, who has described himself as a “Charlie Crist Republican“: With several contenders for the Republican nomination, it’s important to unite conservatives behind one candidate to prevent […]