The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PA-12: Is Democrat Mark Critz Pennsylvania’s Martha Coakley?

Not just his general lack of charisma, undynamic personality and lackluster campaign skills, but also the sleaze factor: The ad quotes former Pennyslvania state treasurer Barbara Hafer, a Democrat who opposed Critz’s nomination and in March said of the former Murtha aide: “This is a flawed candidate that has a lot of ethical problems, and […]

PA-12: Another Amazing Coincidence!

Strange how these things keep happening: Just in case you forgot about Tim Burns and Coney Island Lunch: Meanwhile, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette covered yesterday’s rally with Scott Brown: At the rally for Mr. Burns Friday, Mr. Brown — who won the late Sen. Edward Kennedy’s seat in a special election in December — seemed to […]

PA-12 DCCC Ad Pulled from Pittsburgh TV Station; Truth Hurts, Democrats Cry Foul

WASHINGTON, Pa. I’d already reported this at The American Spectator: Pittsburgh TV station WPGH has suspended the latest ad for Democrat Mark Critz for making false claims. The ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee falsely claimed that Republican Tim Burns supports a 23 percent national sales tax and wants to ship jobs overseas. It […]

PA-12: Scott Brown for Tim Burns

WASHINGTON, Pa. Mr. Massachusetts Miracle came to Pennsylvania’s 12th District Friday for a rally with supporters of Tim Burns, the Republican candidate in Tuesday’s special election. Scott Brown passes the Democrat-destroyer torch to Tim Burns. Scott Brown seemed to recognize a strangely familiar guy in the crowd. Vote for Tim, or the dog gets it! […]

PA-12: The ‘Scott Heard Round the World’ Will Campaign for Tim Burns Today

I’m about to leave for Pennsylvania, where Scott Brown will be the special guest at a Tim Burns for Congress rally at 1 p.m. today at the Washington County Courthouse (100 West Beau Street, Washington, PA). Here’s the basics from the Associated Press: Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is coming to western Pennsylvania to try to help the […]

So, How’s That Whole Party-Switching Thing Working Out for You, Mr. Specter?

“Specter will be less useful to the Democrats now than he ever was when he had an ‘R’ beside his name.” — Robert Stacy McCain, April 28, 2009 Arlen Specter’s belief that he would be welcomed warmly by Democrats was never realistic. Liberals had cheered him every time when, as a Republican, he plunged his […]

PA-12: If Tim Burns Can’t Stop
the 50-Foot Pelosi Beast . . .


PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim Burns

by Smitty Renner’s Here! has your PA-12 update: Congressman Pence, chair of the House Republican Conference, who’s been mentioned as a potential 2012 presidential candidate was at the Richland Township Fire Department near Johnstown yesterday, campaigning for Tim Burns in the May 18 special election. Stacy, in a phone conversation, mentioned this bit down the […]

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