The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PA-12: The Final Wisdom

HAGERSTOWN, Md. Back home now, after driving 430 miles in 24 hours for the Election Day swing through Pennsylvania’s 12th District. Am I totally bummed out? Yeah, especially because I spent four hours sleeping in my car at the West Virginia Welcome Center on I-79 after staying until 3:30 a.m. at the post-election bull session. The […]

PA-12 LIVE Election Results; UPDATE: Democrat Wins; Burns Concedes

WASHINGTON, Pa. Election results online here. 11:30 p.m. ET: Well, everybody else has gone to drown their sorrows, but I’ve still got to hit a late deadline for The American Spectator. A defeat is always harder to report than a victory. Maybe when I get off deadline, I’ll feel better. If anyone feels an overwhelming […]

PA-12: Election Day Scenes

WASHINGTON, Pa. — As reported via phone to Smitty earlier, turnout was light today — considered good news for Tim Burns. Here are some photos from my visit to precincts in Latrobe, Pa., today. Fire station that was 1st Ward polling place in Latrobe. Brian O’Connor of Red Dog Report working for Tim Burns outside the […]

PA-12 VIDEO: Inside Burns HQ

WASHINGTON, Pa. — Just now setting up at the posh George Washington Hotel on Main Street, having just scored this video footage inside the Tim Burns campaign headquarters down the street: Now, all I’ve got to do is to Photoshop an “official” all-access campaign staff credential, and I’ll be in like Flynn . . .

PA-12: Shoe Leather Update. Burns Victory?–UPDATE: 175 Double Votes Due To Ballot Misunderstanding?

by Smitty Stacy McCain talked to a ‘Republican source’ at ~2:00 PM, who said “Turnout was low, which is good for Burns.” Details: He went by Latrobe, PA, and visited three voting locations. This confirmed the low turnout. In the 4th Ward, 987 registered voters. ~200 had voted by 4:00 PM. In the 1st Ward, […]


It’s been three weeks since I first put in a phone call to Tim Burns’ campaign headquarters, and I’ve since made three trips to Pennsylvania’s 12th District to cover this special election. The polls show a dead heat, and Dave Weigel at the Washington Post suspects Democrats are feeling confident, but they may just be playing the […]

PA-12: Gold Star Mom for Tim Burns

Just got off the phone with Angela Lash, outreach coordinator for Tim Burns, who tells me that Arizona “Gold Star Mom” Debbie Lee — whose Navy SEAL son was killed Iraq — has been going door-to-door campaigning with the Republican candidate in Pennsylvania’s 12th District. “I was on the campaign trail this weekend with Tim Burns […]

PA-12: Burns 48%, Critz 47%

Absolute dead heat in the final pre-election poll by the Democrat-run firm Public Policy Polling. You absolutely couldn’t hope for better news on the verge of Tuesday’s special election in Jack Murtha’s old district. Your money quote: [T]hose planning to vote on Tuesday report having voted for John McCain by 5 points in 2008, compared to […]

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