The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Abortion Is Murder, and Sometimes We Are Brutally Reminded of That Fact

Even the Associated Press can’t ignore this story: A doctor who provided abortions for minorities, immigrants and poor women in a “house of horrors” clinic has been charged with eight counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive . . . (Via Memeorandum.) UPDATE: John Hayward at […]

Report: Suspect Confesses to 3 Murders in Philadelphia ‘Kensington Strangler’ Case

Police say Antonio Rodriquez, 22, has “made a full confession” in the case of three women murdered last year in Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood, according to Fox 29 (WTXF-TV) News: Rodriguez was taken into custody Monday in connection with the case after being linked to the sexual assaults and strangling deaths of three women late last […]

When Did Sarah Palin Say ‘Put Him Against the Wall and Shoot Him’?

 Oh, wait. Excuse me. It wasn’t Sarah Palin who said that: On October 23, The Scranton Times reported that Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., said this about Florida’s new Republican Governor Rick Scott: “That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida,” Mr. Kanjorski said. “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to […]

Did Obama’s Election Cause Outbreak of Racist Grafitti in Philadelphia?

That’s what is claimed by an attorney representing plaintiffs in a civil-rights lawsuit: Several black men who were contracted to work at the Sunoco refinery in Philadelphia were forced to clean up racial slurs written about them on bathroom walls, the men claim in a federal civil rights lawsuit. . . . The six plaintiffs, […]

Nine Key States for 2012

Jennifer Rubin identifies the Democratic senators who are most vulnerable in the next cycle: Jon Tester, Bill Nelson, Jim Webb, Claire McCaskill, Ben Nelson, Sherrod Brown, and Kent Conrad, for starters. That’s a total of seven Democrats who voted for (were all the 60th vote for) ObamaCare, supported the stimulus plan, and come from states […]

PA-10: Greetings From Williamsport

Traveling with Pete Da Tech Guy is not just a job, it’s an adventure. We left the home of William Jacobson in Ithaca, N.Y., about 3:30 p.m. and arrived in Williamsport about 6:30. We had called and left messages on the phone number listed on Tom Marino’s Web site, but got no return calls, and […]

Sestak’s Goon Squad

Democrat Joe Sestak’s campaign security staff harasses a cameraman in Pennsylvania: Moe Lane says: This is precisely why YOU ALWAYS WORK IN TEAMS OF AT LEAST TWO. One person films – actively – the event; the other person films – passively, and hopefully unnoticed – the person filming the event. That way you remove ambiguity. […]

VIDEO: Pat Toomey Ad

As Dave Weigel says — hey, he’s got me blogrolled at an MSM site, of course I’m kissing his ass — Toomey spent a year waiting to campaign against Arlen Specter, but he’s not wasting time on regrets: TV Clear Choice from Pat Toomey on Vimeo. The first post-primary Rasmussen poll shows Joe Sestak with a slight lead, […]

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