The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gingrich Gets Stomped by 30 Points in Delaware; Fourth in Pennsylvania

As predicted, the talk of Newt Gingrich winning Delaware turned out to have been delusional: Mitt Romney got 57% to Gingrich’s 27% in the state where Newt had campaigned heavily in recent weeks. We have known since April 8 that Gingrich’s campaign was more than $4 million in debt. By continuing his campaign another 16 […]

Aww, Shucks, Ma’am, ‘Tweren’t Nothin’ …

After yesterday’s post about Jennifer Stefano, Bob Beckel’s F-bomb and Neal Boortz’s “rabid shrew” comments, the ladies at AFP Pennsylvania hail me as a “BeckelGate Hero.” If a blog could blush . . . UPDATE: She shares her side of the story: What I want people to take away from my exchange with Bob Beckel […]

Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama

According to Politico, this new TV ad is now running in Wisconsin and will soon be running in Pennsylvania: UPDATE: This ad appears to be part of a general effort by the Santorum campaign to put the focus squarely on health care, as the candidate also publishes an op-ed column in USA Today: As the […]

Illinois Primary Today; Rick Santorum Schedules Rally in Gettysburg, Pa.

Polls indicate a sizeable win for Mitt Romney in Illinois, so if you live in Illinois and were planning to vote for Romney, you can just stay home. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum will be in Pennsylvania tonight: Former Pennsylvania senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be visiting Gettysburg on Tuesday, according to his communications […]

Snarlin’ Arlen Does What He Does

by Smitty Specter is no spectator on Santorum’s claims at the AZ debate: “I said will you support the president’s nominees? We had a 51-to-49 majority in the Senate. He said, ‘I’ll support the president’s nominees as chairman,’” Santorum said. But Specter said on The Michael Smerconish Program on Thursday morning that that wasn’t the […]

Jerry Sandusky Is To Joe Paterno As. . .

by Smitty . . .Eric Holder is to. . . They told me that if I voted for John McCain, executive accountability would be for the little people. So far, they’ve been proven quite correct, no thanks whatsoever to that craven sack of a Senator from Nevada. Just to belabor the point here, this post […]

Surprise: Philly ‘Sanctuary’ Advocates Don’t Like Reporting Illegals to Feds

Mike in Ardmore tipped me to this story from Philadephia: Outside the Immigration Court building at 9th and Market Streets on Wednesday, about 100 demonstrators knelt on the sidewalk in memory of recent deportees, whose names they wore on string-and-paper necklaces. It was just one stop in a mile-long walk to increase public pressure on […]

Obama Jinxes Steelers in Super Bowl

Ever since the president put the curse on Philly, every NFL team has prayed that Obama wouldn’t endorse them. Obama: ‘I’ve got some love for the Steelers’ Sorry, Pittsburgh fans: Packers by 4. But at least Dan Collins can enjoy the sexy cheerleader at AOSHQ. UPDATE: Everybody else has already blogged this, so what the heck?

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