The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pittsburgh Gunman: ‘All Jews Must Die!’

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Police say a gunman opened fire at a Pittsburgh Synagogue yelling “All Jews must die.” KDKA-TV sources say the shooting suspect is Robert Bowers. Eight people have been killed and a number of others injured after the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill on Saturday. Bowers is described […]

No Wonder They Couldn’t Find Her

For 11 years, police in Pennsylvania searched for a woman who had disappeared. It’s easy now to understand why they could find her. She had hitchhiked to Florida, and the photo on the “missing” posters didn’t look anything like her after 11 years of hard living: People thought Brenda Heist had been murdered. Her ex-husband […]

Mark October 30 on Your Calendar: Democrat Panic Hits Pandemic Stage

COLUMBUS, Ohio This will be seen in retrospect as the day liberals began to realize that Obama was going to lose the election, the day The Great Wall of Denial (erected by Nate Silver and the Democrat Graveyard Whistling Choir) proved itself too weak to withstand an encounter with reality. Yesterday, Jim Messina called the Romney super-PAC’s ad […]

When Katy Met Arlen

The death of a RINO has already been duly noted, if not exactly mourned. In their own remembrance of Snarlin’ Arlen, Victory Girls remind us of the moment at a 2009 town-hall meeting when the Vicious Backstabbing Crapweasel learned he had “awakened a sleeping giant”: “This is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I […]

Question the Timing (and Sample): Poll Shows Obama Leading in Swing States

You will remember that Democrats were panicking last month at the realization that Mitt Romney and the GOP outraised the DNC/Obama team in June, and that Obama’s unsustainable “burn rate” — pouring on a 2-to-1 ad blitz — had failed to move independent voters. Everything the Dems had done was being sabotaged by Obama’s tone-deaf “you didn’t […]

The Jennifer Stefano Summit Will Convene Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Breeding victory: Jennifer Stefano, pregnant in 2010 It’s officially called the “Defending the American Dream” Summit, but I’ve decided to re-name the three-day event that begins Thursday because Jennifer Stefano, who leads the Pennsylvania chapter of Americans for Prosperity (along with her friend Katy Abram) is just so awesome. Here is Stefano on Sean Hannity’s show last week […]

We Need More Like Diana Irey-Vaughan Running for Offices Like PA Treasurer

by Smitty Diana’s campaign for state treasurer of Pennsylvania made news at a PA State GOP gathering: But none delivered a speech that roused the crowd more than State Treasurer candidate and Washington County Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan. She began with her record and performance as Commissioner, jumping on a key moment to tie her […]

Ironic Payback for Philly Democrat

Pennsylvania State Rep. Babette Josephs Does the name Babette Josephs ring a bell? You may remember last month Josephs, a Democratic Pennsylvania state legislator from Philadelphia, harshly criticized Republicans, especially GOP women who supported a bill to require ultrasounds before abortions: Josephs’ remarks came at a political rally sponsored by the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, […]

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